
1 act of identifying sb/sth
accurate, correct, precise

There is virtually no risk of mistaken identification in cases of date rape.

quick, rapid

Early identification of adolescents at risk for violence is needed.

eyewitness (esp. AmE)

Eyewitness identification is not as reliable as we tend to believe.

biometric, fingerprint, radio frequency, visual

the science of biometric identification


She was unable to make a positive identification of the suspect.

allow, enable, permit

Red and black wires are used to enable identification of specific circuits.


The examination facilitates the early identification of any health problems.

parade (BrE)

He stood on an identification parade at the police station.

procedure, process, technique
2 proof of identity
carry, have

Always carry some identification.

Do you have any identification?

produce, provide, show

One passenger couldn't provide identification.

ask for, check

The police checked their identification.

need, require

To vote, Florida law requires a photo identification with a signature.

card, document, papers
badge, bracelet, device, label, tag, technology
code, number

The vehicle's identification number is stamped on the engine.

a means of identification

My only means of identification was my credit card.

for identification purposes

having their picture taken for identification purposes

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • IDENTIFICATION — Dans l’acception psychologique de la notion, la forme d’identité la plus directement accessible est celle qu’a dégagée, en rupture avec la tradition cartésienne, la critique de la substantialité du moi. «Le soi (Self ), écrit Locke, est cette… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • identification — UK US /aɪˌdentɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ noun ► [U] an official card or document with your name and photograph or other information on it, used for proving who you are: provide/show identification »To open a new account, the bank will require you to show four… …   Financial and business terms

  • Identification — can mean * Identification (psychoanalysis); * Identification (information); * Identification (parameter), in statistics and econometrics, how parameters can be inferred from data; * Identification (literature), in literary criticism; *… …   Wikipedia

  • identification — (n.) 1640s, treating of a thing as the same as another, from Fr. identification, probably from identifier (see IDENTIFY (Cf. identify)). Sense of becoming or feeling oneself one with another is from 1857. Sense of determination of identity is… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Identification — I*den ti*fi*ca tion, n. [Cf. F. identification.] The act of identifying, or proving to be the same; also, the state of being identified. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • identification — I noun appellation, ascertainment, classification, cognizance, comparison, definition, delineation, denomination, designation, disclosure, identity classification, identity comparison, identity verification, label, proof of identity, recognition …   Law dictionary

  • identification — [ī den΄tə fi kā′shən] n. [Fr] 1. an identifying or being identified 2. anything by which a person or thing can be identified [a driver s license is accepted as identification] 3. Psychoanalysis a mainly unconscious process by which a person… …   English World dictionary

  • Identification —   [engl.], Identifikation (Authentifizierung) …   Universal-Lexikon

  • identification — *recognition, apperception, assimilation Analogous words: perception, *discernment, discrimination: image, percept, sense datum, sensum, *sensation …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • identification — [n] labeling; means of labeling apperception, assimilation, badge, bracelet, cataloging, classifying, credentials, description, dog tag, establishment, ID*, identity bracelet, letter of introduction, letter of recommendation, naming, papers,… …   New thesaurus

  • identification — ► NOUN 1) the action or process of identifying or the fact of being identified. 2) an official document or other proof of one s identity …   English terms dictionary

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