
1 paintings, drawings, etc.
great, high
commercial, fine
abstract, conceptual, figurative, representational, visual
ancient, classical, medieval, modern, modernist, postmodern
animation, digital, graphic, installation, performance, pop
cinematic, video
erotic, sacred
avant-garde, contemporary, cutting-edge
20th-century, etc.
folk, traditional
African, Japanese, Western, etc.
comic, cover

He created cover art and illustrations for the magazine.

clip (computing)
create, produce
display, exhibit, feature, showcase

The museum normally showcases Western art.

buy, purchase
gallery, museum
exhibit (AmE), exhibition, show

The castle houses one of the finest art collections in Britain.

buyer, collector, consultant, critic, curator, dealer, director, historian, professional, publisher

He was a noted art collector.

aficionado, connoisseur, enthusiast, expert, lover
object, treasure, work (usually artwork)
book, magazine, print
academy, college, school

Cinema gradually became accepted as an art form.


His art style was less radical than his contemporaries.


the Impressionist art movement

auction, fair
community, scene, world

the New York art scene

Many people from the art world attended the funeral.

life imitates art

Will real life ever imitate art the way Hollywood wishes it would?

2 (the) arts art, music, drama, literature, etc.
creative, culinary, decorative, dramatic, performing, plastic, visual
administrator, patron
arts and crafts

an exhibition of Peruvian arts and crafts

funding for the arts, sponsorship of the arts
a patron of the arts
3 arts not sciences
liberal (esp. AmE)
subject (esp. BrE)

an arts degree (BrE)

a liberal arts degree (AmE)

arts and sciences
4 ability/skill

Social interaction is increasingly becoming a lost art.

master, perfect

I've never mastered the art of making bread.

art of

Television has ruined the art of conversation.

have sth down to a fine art (= know how to do it very well) (esp. BrE)

She has the business of buying presents down to a fine art.

NOTE: Works of art
a piece/work of art

Picasso's Guernica is a magnificent work of art.

collect … 

She collects photographic portraits.

display … , exhibit … , show … 

The works will be displayed in the new museum.

 … is (put) on display/exhibition/show,  … goes on display/exhibition/show

paintings put on show for the first time

The photographs are on exhibition until the end of September.

house … 

A new wing was built to house the sculptures.

a series of … 

a series of paintings by Van Gogh

a collection of … , an exhibition of … , an exhibit of …  (AmE)

an exhibition of 20th-century French masterpieces

an art/photographic/photography exhibition, an art/photographic/photography exhibit (AmE)

The open art exhibition will allow new artists to exhibit their work.

by … 

a kinetic sculpture by Alexander Calder

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • art — [ ar ] n. m. • Xe, d ab. « science, savoir », puis « moyen, méthode »; lat. ars, artis; souv. fém. jusqu au XVIe I ♦ Ensemble de moyens, de procédés réglés qui tendent à une fin. 1 ♦ (1160) Vx Moyen d obtenir un résultat (par l effet d aptitudes… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • art — 1. (ar ; le t ne se lie pas : l art oratoire, dites : ar oratoire, et non l ar t oratoire ; au pluriel l s ne se lie pas, les arts et les sciences, dites : les ar et les sciences ; cependant cette liaison plaît à quelques uns, qui disent : les ar …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • art — ART. s. m. Méthode pour faire un ouvrage selon certaines règles. Art noble. Art vil et abject. Savoir un art. Savoir l art. Les termes de l art. Les préceptes de l art. Les règles de l art, les procédés de l art. Les secrets de l art. Le sublime… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • art — ART. s. m. La regle & la methode de bien faire un ouvrage. Arts liberaux. Arts mechaniques. les sept Arts liberaux. Art noble. Art vil & abjet. sçavoir un Art. sçavoir l Art. les termes de l Art. les preceptes de l Art. reduire quelque chose en… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • art — n 1 Art, skill, cunning, artifice, craft can mean the faculty of performing or executing expertly what is planned or devised. Art is not actually a comprehensive term but is so variable in its implications that it is interchangeable with any one… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

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  • art — Art, Ars, Artificium, Techna. Ars liberaux, Artes ingenuae. L art de tailler images, Statuaria ars. Art magique et d enchanterie, Magice, magices, Magia, magiae. Appartenant à art Magique, Magicus. Art de Musique, Musica ars. L art de nombrer et… …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • Art — ([aum]rt), n. [F. art, L. ars, artis, orig., skill in joining or fitting; prob. akin to E. arm, aristocrat, article.] 1. The employment of means to accomplish some desired end; the adaptation of things in the natural world to the uses of life;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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