- industry
- nounADJECTIVE▪ booming, growing, thriving▪
one of the fastest-growing industries in the world
▪ important, key, major▪ declining▪ high-tech, modern, sunrise (BrE)▪ sunset (BrE), traditional▪ cottage▪Weaving and knitting are traditional cottage industries.
▪ domestic, local▪ global▪the global textile industry
▪ private, privatized▪ nationalized, state-owned, state-run▪ heavy▪ light▪ strategic▪strategic industries such as the extraction of oil and natural gas
▪ manufacturing, service▪the shift away from manufacturing to service industry
▪ primary, secondary, tertiary▪ labour-intensive/labor-intensive▪ building, construction▪ engineering (esp. BrE)▪ shipbuilding▪ chemical, coal, electrical (esp. AmE), electricity (esp. BrE), energy, gas, mining, nuclear, oil, steel▪ agricultural, fishing, food, timber▪ pharmaceutical▪ health-care, medical (esp. AmE)▪ biotech▪ auto (AmE), automobile (AmE), automotive, car (esp. BrE), motor▪ computer, electronics▪ telecom (esp. AmE), telecommunications, telecoms (esp. BrE)▪ fashion, textile▪ advertising▪ insurance▪ entertainment, film (esp. BrE), movie (esp. AmE), music, record, recording▪ tourism, tourist▪ catering, hospitality, leisure (all esp. BrE)▪ hotel▪ banking, financial▪ aerospace, airline, aviation▪ publishing▪ tobaccoVERB + INDUSTRY▪ benefit, develop, encourage, help, stimulate, support▪The government decided to encourage industries based on biotechnology.
▪government measures to stimulate new industry
▪ run down (BrE)▪Running down the nuclear industry will result in heavy job losses.
▪ damage, hurt▪They claim that a commercial port would damage the local tourist industry.
▪ cripple, destroy, devastate▪ nationalize▪ privatize▪ deregulate, regulate▪ protect▪trade barriers erected to protect domestic industry
▪ subsidize▪The state's timber industry is heavily subsidized.
▪ interfere in, interfere with▪The government has interfered in industry, with disastrous results, by attempting to alter economic trends.
▪ be involved in, be involved with▪More than 140 000 people are directly involved in the industry.
▪ revolutionize, transform▪ enter, go into▪students training to enter the banking industry
▪She decided to leave teaching and go into industry.
INDUSTRY + VERB▪ boom, develop, expand, grow, grow up, spring up▪New light industries are constantly springing up.
▪The tourist industry is still expanding rapidly.
▪ decline, struggle▪When the oil ran out, other industries associated with it closed down.
▪ experience sth, face sth▪industries which are experiencing substantial growth
▪The industry is facing major challenges.
▪ produce sthINDUSTRY + NOUN▪ executive, leader▪ expert, insider▪ analyst, observer▪ standard▪They hope that the disk drive will become an industry standard.
PREPOSITION▪ in industry, within industry▪In the computer industry, change comes about very rapidly.
PHRASES▪ a captain of industry, commerce and industry▪The banks lend money to commerce and industry.
▪ regulation of (an) industry▪proposals for regulation of the water industry
▪ the revival of (an) industry▪the revival of the British film industry
▪ a sector of industry▪ industry and trade (esp. AmE), trade and industry▪the Department of Trade and Industry (in the UK)
Collocations dictionary. 2013.