
1 not knowing or caring how sb else feels
appear, be, seem, sound

It may sound insensitive, but I don't understand why he's so upset.

become, grow
make sb
think sb

I don't want to be thought insensitive, but I do think we should go ahead despite the accident.

extremely, fairly, very, etc.
highly, incredibly, remarkably
crassly (BrE), grossly (esp. BrE)
a little, slightly, etc.
culturally, racially (esp. AmE)

The decision to serve pork was culturally insensitive.


Years of abuse had made him insensitive to others' suffering.

2 not able to feel/be influenced by sth
make sth/sb, render sth/sb

The device renders the system insensitive to vibration.

extremely, fairly, very, etc.
completely, totally

Its physical properties are relatively insensitive to pressure changes.


The machine is relatively insensitive to changes in the atmosphere.

Insensitive is used with these nouns: ↑handling, ↑jerk

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • Insensitive — refers to a lack of sensitivity. It may also refer to: *Insensitive (song), a hit 1995 song by Canadian singer Jann Arden *Insensitive, an episode of the TV series House Meaning of insensitive Inessa …   Wikipedia

  • insensitive — [adj1] indifferent, callous aloof, bloodless*, coldhearted*, crass, feelingless, hard, hard as nails*, hard boiled*, hardened, hardhearted*, heartless, imperceptive, incurious, obtuse, stony, tactless, thick skinned*, tough, uncaring, unconcerned …   New thesaurus

  • Insensitive — In*sen si*tive, a. Not sensitive; wanting sensation, or wanting acute sensibility. Tillotson. Ruskin. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • insensitive — I adjective blind, callous, cold blooded, cruel, draconian, hard, impervious, indiscreet, insensate, insensible, insentient, numb, obtuse, ponderous, relentless, remorseless, ruthless, thick skinned, unaffected, unfeeling, unimpressionable,… …   Law dictionary

  • insensitive — (adj.) c.1600, having little or no reaction to what is perceived by one s senses, from IN (Cf. in ) (1) not, opposite of + SENSITIVE (Cf. sensitive). For sense, see INSENSATE (Cf. insensate). Meaning without consideration for the feelings of… …   Etymology dictionary

  • insensitive — *insensible, impassible, anesthetic Analogous words: *hardened, indurated, callous: indifferent, unconcerned, aloof, incurious: impassive, stoic, apathetic, phlegmatic, stolid Antonyms: sensitive Contrasted words: susceptible, subject, prone,… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • insensitive — ► ADJECTIVE 1) showing or feeling no concern for the feelings of others. 2) not sensitive to physical sensation. 3) not appreciative of or able to respond to something. DERIVATIVES insensitively adverb insensitiveness noun insensitivity noun …   English terms dictionary

  • insensitive — [in sen′sə tiv] adj. 1. not sensitive; esp., incapable of being impressed, influenced, or affected; having little or no reaction (to) 2. having or showing a lack of concern for the feelings of others; tactless insensitively adv. insensitivity n.… …   English World dictionary

  • -insensitive — insensitive) adjective Of a computer program, etc, taking (no) account of whether a text character is upper case or lower case ● case …   Useful english dictionary

  • insensitive — in|sen|si|tive [ınˈsensıtıv] adj 1.) not noticing, or not taking the care to notice, other people s feelings, and not realizing when they are upset or when something that you do will upset them ▪ One insensitive official insisted on seeing her… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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