
1 put a question to sb
gently, quietly, softly

‘How do you feel?’ she asked softly.

conversationally, politely, sweetly

‘Did you sleep well?’ he asked politely.

eagerly, excitedly
angrily, bluntly, coldly, crossly (esp. BrE), impatiently, irritably, sarcastically, sharply, slyly
calmly, casually, coolly, drily, innocently, nonchalantly

‘Oh, Sue went too, did she?’ I asked innocently (= pretending I did not know that this was important).

curiously, doubtfully, incredulously, inquisitively, pointedly, quizzically, sceptically/skeptically, suspiciously, warily
anxiously, apprehensively, concernedly, fearfully, nervously, timidly, worriedly

‘Will he be all right?’ Sabrina asked anxiously.

cautiously, hesitantly, tentatively, uncertainly

‘Do you still want to go out tonight?’ she asked hopefully.

jokingly, teasingly

Voters can legitimately ask whose interests are being served by the new legislation.

An interviewer may legitimately ask a candidate about current use of illegal drugs

want to

She wanted to ask Mary if she knew what was wrong.

I wanted to ask him a question.

dare (to)

I wondered how old she was but I didn't dare ask.

forget to

I completely forgot to ask his name.


He asked about her family.

get asked sth

I often get asked that.

if you don't mind me asking, if you don't mind my asking

How old are you—if you don't mind my asking?

2 request sth

If you ask her nicely, she'll give you a hand.


He specifically asked for information on the subject.


I'm not asking for money.

Ask is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑email, ↑interviewer, ↑judge, ↑letter, ↑petition, ↑poll, ↑survey, ↑voice
Ask is used with these nouns as the object: ↑advice, ↑blessing, ↑court, ↑direction, ↑expert, ↑favour, ↑forgiveness, ↑indulgence, ↑judge, ↑name, ↑opinion, ↑panel, ↑pardon, ↑participant, ↑permission, ↑question, ↑way

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • ask — [ æsk ] verb *** > 1 try to get information > 2 tell someone you want something > 3 expect something > 4 say you want something done > 5 invite someone to do something >+ PHRASES 1. ) intransitive or transitive to speak or write …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • ask — /ask / (say ahsk) verb (t) 1. to put a question to: ask him. 2. to seek to be informed about: to ask the way; to ask her the way. 3. to seek by words to obtain; request: to ask advice; to ask a favour. 4. to solicit; request of (with a personal… …  

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