
how-to (esp. AmE), instruction, instructional (esp. AmE), training
advice, self-help
operator's (AmE), owner's, teacher's (AmE), user, user's
computer, software
car (esp. BrE), driver's (esp. AmE)
diagnostic, maintenance, operating, operations, reference, repair, technical
comprehensive, detailed
online, printed
come with

The computer comes with a comprehensive owner's manual.

check, consult, look at, read, study

Check your manual for details.

produce, publish
contain sth, include sth, provide sth
say sth

The manual said not to use the fryer on wooden decks.

recommend sth
describe sth
according to the manual

According to the manual, the wires should be the other way around.

in a/the manual

What does it say in the manual?

manual for

an instruction manual for a knitting machine

manual on

a manual on teaching drama

Manual is used with these nouns: ↑dexterity, ↑employee, ↑inspection, ↑intervention, ↑job, ↑labour, ↑labourer, ↑manipulation, ↑mode, ↑occupation, ↑skill, ↑system, ↑task, ↑transmission, ↑work, ↑worker

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • manual — MANUÁL, Ă, manuali, e, s.n., adj.1. s.n. Carte care cuprinde noţiunile de bază ale unei ştiinţe, ale unei arte sau ale unei îndeletniciri practice; spec. carte de şcoală. 2. adj. Care este făcut cu mâna; de mână. ♦ (Despre îndeletniciri, ocupaţii …   Dicționar Român

  • Manual — (баланс, произносится «мэньюал»)  езда на двух парных колёсиках скейта или на заднем/переднем колесе велосипеда, не касаясь земли остальными колёсами. Часто исполняется в качестве связки нескольких трюков, например kickflip to manual shove… …   Википедия

  • manual — A directive that contains USPS policy. The former Postal Service Manual was reissued into these six subject manuals: Administrative Support Manual (ASM); Domestic Mail Manual (DMM); Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM); Financial Management… …   Glossary of postal terms

  • manual — adjetivo 1. Que se hace con las manos: oficio manual. El cambio de marchas es manual, no automático. 2. Que trabaja con las manos: obrero manual, trabajador manual. sustantivo masculino 1. Libro que contiene conocimientos esenciales: manual de… …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • Manual — Man u*al (m[a^]n [ u]*al), a. [OE. manuel, F. manuel, L. manualis, fr. manus hand; prob. akin to AS. mund hand, protection, OHG. munt, G. m[ u]ndel a ward, vormund guardian, Icel. mund hand. Cf. {Emancipate}, {Legerdemain}, {Maintain}, {Manage},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Manual — Man u*al, n. [Cf. F. manuel, LL. manuale. See {Manual}, a.] 1. A small book, such as may be carried in the hand, or conveniently handled; a handbook; specifically, the service book of the Roman Catholic Church. [1913 Webster] This manual of laws …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • manual — manual, hacer(se) un manual expr. masturbar(se). ❙ «...y qué contraste con la activa sabiduría (manual, francés, completo) de las profesionales del placer...» Jaime Romo, Un cubo lleno de cangrejos. ❙ «Manuel un manual (prost.) una masturbación.» …   Diccionario del Argot "El Sohez"

  • manual — [man′yo͞o əl] adj. [ME manuel < OFr < L manualis < manus, a hand < IE * mə n és (akin to * mṇtos > Gmc * mund > ON & OE mund, a hand) < base < * mər , *mən , hand] 1. a) of or having to do with a hand or the hands b) made …   English World dictionary

  • Manual — (zu lat. manus ‚Hand‘) steht: bei Musikinstrumenten für die handbetätigte Tastenreihe, die Klaviatur als veralteter Ausdruck für ein Tagebuch als Anglizismus für ein Handbuch manuell (‚händisch‘) bezieht sich auf mit der Hand hergestellt und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • manual — man·u·al / man yə wəl/ adj: involving or as if involving use of the hands; specif: of, relating to, or being a gift of a corporeal movable object that is actually delivered a manual donation man·u·al·ly adv Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law.… …   Law dictionary

  • manual — s. m. 1. Livro pequeno. 2. Livro que sumariza as noções básicas de uma matéria ou assunto. = COMPÊNDIO 3. Guia prático que explica o funcionamento de algo (ex.: manual da máquina de lavar roupa).   ‣ Etimologia: latim manuale, is, estojo de livro …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

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