
1 when people come together to discuss/decide sth
frequent, regular
annual, biannual, biennial, daily, monthly, quarterly, weekly
all-day, day-long, hour-long
two-hour, etc.
afternoon, breakfast, lunch (esp. AmE), lunchtime (BrE), weekend, etc.
spring, winter, etc.
full (esp. BrE), plenary
formal, official
first, founding, inaugural
open-air (esp. BrE)
town (esp. AmE), town-hall (AmE)
international, local, national, regional

The organization holds various regional meetings.

open, public
closed, closed-door (esp. AmE), private

Management have called a joint meeting with staff and unions.


The society is holding its Annual General Meeting in the conference room next Monday.

face-to-face, one-on-one, personal
bilateral, trilateral
high-level, summit, top-level
exploratory, initial, introductory, preliminary, preparatory
extraordinary, special
crisis (esp. BrE), emergency, urgent
crucial, historic, important, key, vital (esp. BrE)

We called a mandatory meeting of our department heads this morning.

board, cabinet, committee, corporate, council, departmental, executive, faculty (esp. AmE), family, management, ministerial, shareholder, shareholders' (BrE), staff, team, union
AA, PTA, etc.
organizational (esp. AmE)
business, sales
professional (esp. AmE)

She was a frequent invited speaker at professional meetings.


We had an editorial meeting about it.

protest (esp. BrE)

It was decided at a planning meeting.


She headed off to her budget meeting.

informational (AmE)
prayer, revival (esp. AmE)
camp (= religious meeting held outside or in a large tent) (AmE)
class (AmE)

The students had a class meeting about cheating.


Our group meetings take place on Saturdays.

chapter (AmE)

both national and local chapter meetings


Opposition has been expressed at community meetings.


They now have virtual meetings over the Internet.

brief, short
endless, interminable, long

We had endless meetings about the problem.

The meeting seemed interminable.

angry (esp. BrE), contentious, difficult, stormy, tense
productive, successful
have, hold
arrange, call, convene, organize, schedule, set (AmE), set up

The committee has called a meeting to discuss the president's death.

attend, join
summon sb to

He was summoned to a meeting with the head of the department.

observe (esp. AmE)
begin, open, start

The chairperson opened the meeting.

close, conclude, dismiss, end, finish
adjourn, break up
call off, cancel
chair, conduct, facilitate, preside at (esp. AmE), preside over

I have to chair a meeting tomorrow.


The employees who run the meetings stick to a strict agenda.

call to order

The chairman called the meeting to order.

participate in

He always spoke as if he were addressing a public meeting.


a meeting sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations

demand, request

One phone call was enough to get an initial meeting.

ban (esp. BrE)
go ahead (esp. BrE), happen, occur, take place

The meeting never happened.

It is unclear whether the meeting will take place as planned.

be aimed at sth

a meeting aimed at restoring peace in the region

begin, open, proceed, start

The meeting adjourned for coffee at eleven.

break up

The meeting broke up after a row over whether to allow cameras in.

close, conclude, end

The meeting closed on a sour note.

vote (esp. BrE)

The meeting voted 423–133 for a strike.

discuss sth
focus on sth

The meetings focused on ways of cutting costs.

approve sth (esp. BrE)
hear sth (esp. BrE)

The meeting heard that two workers had been fired with no official reason given.

decide sth, resolve sth (both BrE)
produce sth, result in sth

These meetings produced a settlement agreement.

drag, drag on

The meeting dragged into the early hours of the next day.

facilities, hall, house, place, room, space (esp. AmE)
ground (esp. AmE), point, site (AmE), spot (esp. AmE)

The arts space serves as a meeting ground for professional artists.

Jay drove to the meeting spot.

planner (AmE)

his job as corporate meeting planner

agenda (esp. AmE)
schedule (esp. AmE)
in a/the meeting

I'm afraid Mrs Haley is in a meeting at the moment.

meeting about

a meeting about the plans for a new road

meeting among (esp. AmE)

an informal meeting among the members of the Press Agents Association

meeting between

a meeting between tutors and students

meeting for

a meeting for parents

meeting on

We hold public meetings on this topic.

meeting over (BrE)

Directors called a crisis meeting over the future of the company.

meeting with

a meeting with French officials

the purpose of a meeting
the minutes of a meeting

The secretary circulated the minutes of the previous week's meeting to all committee members.

the chair of a meeting, the chairman of a meeting
2 coming together of two or more people
accidental, chance, unexpected
clandestine, secret
historic, unprecedented
emotional (esp. BrE)
meeting with

I had a chance meeting with an old friend last week.

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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