
lone, single, unmarried, unwed

She felt proud that she had raised four children as a lone mother.

biological, birth, natural, real
adoptive, custodial (AmE), foster
adolescent, teen (esp. AmE), teenage, young
ageing/aging, elderly, old
ailing, sick

He has cared for his sick mother for years.

dead, deceased, late
caring, devoted, excellent, good, loving, wonderful

the proud mother of the bride

doting, overprotective
domineering, overbearing
bad, unfit

The court decided she was an unfit mother.

anxious (esp. BrE), distraught, frantic, worried

Her distraught mother had spent all night waiting by the phone.

expectant, pregnant
full-time, stay-at-home
welfare (AmE)
breastfeeding, nursing
beloved, dear

his beloved mother

resemble, take after

The boys were like their father, but Louise took after her mother.

inherit sth from

She inherited the urge to travel from her mother.

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • Mother 3 — Desarrolladora(s) Nintendo SPD Production Group No.3, HAL Laboratory, Brownie Brown Distribuidora(s) Nintendo Diseñador(es) Shigesato Itoi …   Wikipedia Español

  • Mother — Moth er, a. Received by birth or from ancestors; native, natural; as, mother language; also acting the part, or having the place of a mother; producing others; originating. [1913 Webster] It is the mother falsehood from which all idolatry is… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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