
new, newborn, tiny
low-birthweight, small, tiny

Smoking in pregnancy increases the risk of producing a low-birthweight baby.

premature, preterm (esp. BrE)
little, young
three-day-old, six-week-old, ten-month-old, etc.
beautiful, bonny (BrE), cute, lovely (esp. BrE)
bouncing (informal), healthy, normal

A bonny, bouncing baby, Freddie was her heart's desire and joy.

contented (esp. BrE), good, perfect
colicky, crying, screaming

He took an interest in the growing baby even before it was born.

bottle-fed, breastfed
abandoned, unwanted
war (= born during the war)

I want to have a baby.


She's not sure if she wants a baby.

conceive, make (informal, humorous)

Darling, I just want to stay with you and make babies!

carry, expect

She's not sure yet how many babies she's carrying.

She's expecting a baby in July.

give birth to, produce

The baby was delivered by a midwife.


She lost her baby (= had a miscarriage) three months into her pregnancy.


They named the baby Charlie.

care for, look after (esp. BrE)
breastfeed, nurse

The baby needed burping after every bottle.


You can start weaning your baby when it's four months old.


The baby needs changing again (= needs a clean nappy/diaper).

bath (BrE), bathe (esp. AmE)
comfort, cradle, cuddle, hold, pick up, rock, take

She rocked the baby to sleep in her arms.

Can you take the baby while I unlock the door?

play with

They would like to adopt a newborn baby.

have adopted, put up for adoption

She decided to put her baby up for adoption.

be due

The baby is due in October.

arrive, be born

Their first baby arrived exactly nine months after the wedding.

bawl, cry, scream, wail
babble, coo, gurgle

The baby cooed happily on the rug.

feed, nurse (esp. AmE), suck

Babies nurse more at night in the first three weeks.

be sick, dribble, drool, spit up (AmE)

Babies drool a lot when they are teething.

be teething
crawl, sit up, take his/her first steps, toddle, walk
grow, grow up

The doctor said the baby was growing nicely.

kick, move

I could feel the baby moving inside me.

boy, girl
brother, daughter, sister, son
bird, rabbit, etc.
food, formula (esp. AmE), milk (esp. BrE)
lotion, oil, powder
buggy (BrE), carrier, stroller (AmE) (see also baby carriage)
alarm (BrE), monitor

I didn't use baby talk with my children, but used proper words right from the start.

unit (esp. BrE)

the hospital's baby unit

shower (AmE)
boom (= a period when many more babies are born than usual), boomer (= a person born during such a period)
sleep like

He was so tired after all his exertions, he slept like a baby.

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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