
1 for future
ambitious, audacious, grand, grandiose

The government has ambitious plans for prison reform.

long-range (esp. AmE), long-term, three-year, etc.

What are your immediate plans?

five-point, three-point, etc.

a three-point action plan to improve hygiene at work

definite, firm (BrE)

A spokeswoman confirmed there was no definite plan to stage a concert in the park.

comprehensive, detailed

The best plan is for me to meet you at the airport.


Even the best-laid plans can go wrong.

brilliant, clever, cunning, devious, elaborate, fiendish, ingenious
realistic, sound

We need to develop a sound business plan.

backup, contingency

Do you have any contingency plans if there is a delay?

action, battle, game, ground, operational, strategic

What is their game plan for winning the election?

Plan A, Plan B

If Plan A fails, go to Plan B.

business, career, corporate, development
budget, economic, financial, spending
flight, travel
marriage, wedding
expansion, recovery, restructuring
disaster, emergency, escape, evacuation
diet, eating, meal

a six-week low-fat eating plan

come up with, create, design, develop, devise, draft, draw up, figure out (AmE), form, formulate, hatch, make, prepare, put together, work out

I like to make plans well in advance.

consider, discuss, present, propose, put forward, set out
file (AmE), submit

The airline intends to file a reorganization plan within three months.

adopt, agree, approve

The moves contravene the peace plan agreed by both sides.

finalize, put in place
announce, detail, launch, outline, reveal, unveil

A new plan for reducing traffic accidents was unveiled.

carry out, execute, implement
put in motion, put into action, put into effect, put into operation, set in motion
forge ahead with, go ahead with, move ahead with, press ahead with
follow, keep to, stick to

Let's stick to our original plan

cancel, change, rethink, review, revise
abandon, cancel, drop, reject, scrap, shelve
disrupt, set back
derail, foil, ruin, scupper (BrE), spoil, thwart (BrE)

The strike ruined my travel plans.

fight (esp. BrE), oppose

Local residents have vowed to fight plans to build a new road.

Senators signed a letter opposing the plan.

be afoot

Plans are afoot to stage a new opera.

be aimed at sth

The government launched a five-year plan aimed at diversifying the economy.

call for sth, envisage sth (esp. BrE), envision sth (esp. AmE), involve sth

The plan calls for massive investment in the region.

contain sth, include sth

The plan contains four main elements.

come to fruition, succeed, work
fail, fall through, founder, go awry, go wrong
plan for

plans for the future

The president will now press ahead with his plans for reform.

plan to

Plans to build a dam have been shelved following protests.

go to plan
a plan of action, a plan of attack, a plan of campaign

To change anything in this organization, we'll need a plan of action.

2 way of investing money or paying for sth
pension, retirement
health, health-care
instalment/installment, payment
set up
3 map
street, town
floor, ground, site
file (AmE)

Site plans were filed with the city this week.

show sth

The plan shows the exact location of the house.

ahead, in advance
initially, originally

The government had originally planned to launch the review in June.

carefully, meticulously

centrally planned economies

have to, need to

You will need to plan your shopping carefully in advance.


We must plan for the future.

A meeting has been planned for early next year.


I had planned on staying here for two or three years.

be all planned out

He thought his life was all planned out before him.

have sth all planned out

I had it all planned out.

go as planned

Everything went exactly as planned.

plan sth (down) to the last detail

Everything has been planned down to the last detail.

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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