plug into

plug into
phr verb
Plug into is used with these nouns as the object: ↑socket

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • plug into — verb plug into an outlet Please plug in the toaster! Connect the TV so we can watch the football game tonight • Syn: ↑plug in, ↑connect • Ant: ↑unplug (for: ↑plug in) …   Useful english dictionary

  • plug into — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms plug into : present tense I/you/we/they plug into he/she/it plugs into present participle plugging into past tense plugged into past participle plugged into 1) plug something into something to connect a piece… …   English dictionary

  • plug into — 1) PHRASAL VERB If you plug into a computer system, you are able to use it or see the information stored on it. [V P n] It is possible to plug into remote databases to pick up information. 2) PHRASAL VERB If you plug into a group of people or… …   English dictionary

  • plug into — {v.} To connect (an electrical appliance) to a power wire by inserting its plug into a receptacle or hole. * /He thought he had left the lamp plugged into the wall, and so was puzzled when it wouldn t light that night./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • plug into — {v.} To connect (an electrical appliance) to a power wire by inserting its plug into a receptacle or hole. * /He thought he had left the lamp plugged into the wall, and so was puzzled when it wouldn t light that night./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • plug\ into — v To connect (an electrical appliance) to a power wire by inserting its plug into a receptacle or hole. He thought he had left the lamp plugged into the wall, and so was puzzled when it wouldn t light that night …   Словарь американских идиом

  • plug into — become familiar with, learn to use    If he wants to be a dentist, he ll have to plug into the sciences …   English idioms

  • plug into sth — UK US plug into sth Phrasal Verb with plug({{}}/plʌg/ verb [T] ( gg ) ► IT to become connected to a piece of electrical equipment or to the main electricity supply: »The wireless transmitter plugs into a PC, TV, or stereo. ► to be suitable for or …   Financial and business terms

  • plug into — phrasal 1. to connect or become connected to by or as if by means of a plug < the city was plugged into the new highway system > 2. to load into as if by means of a plug < plugged the data into a computer > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • plug into — have or gain access to (an information system or area of activity). → plug …   English new terms dictionary

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