
noble (esp. AmE)

We are members of an old and noble profession.

caring (BrE), health-care (esp. AmE), helping (AmE)

She always wanted to work in the caring professions.

training programs for the helping professions

legal, medical, nursing, teaching, etc.

In the 1930s he was forbidden to practise/practice his profession.

enter, go into, join

She entered the legal profession after college.


a job where people can learn the profession

advance (esp. AmE)

Nurses advance the profession through active involvement in their professional organizations.

serve (esp. AmE)

He has served the medical profession admirably.


the licensing laws that regulate the profession


It's time to change your profession for something more exciting.


the primary reason why nurses leave the profession

by profession

He was a physician by profession.

in a/sb's/the profession

She's making an impact in her chosen profession.

a choice of profession

She was shocked at her daughter's choice of profession.

the top of sb's profession

He reached the top of his profession in very little time.

the oldest profession (= prostitution)

Prostitution is often described as the oldest profession in the world.

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • profession — [ prɔfesjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1155; lat. professio I ♦ 1 ♦ (Dans la loc. faire profession de ) Déclaration ouverte, publique (d une croyance, d une opinion, d un comportement). Faire profession d une religion. Faire profession de libéralisme. Faire… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • profession — Profession. s. f. v. Aveu public. Je fais profession d estre vostre serviteur, j en fais une profession publique. une profession solemnelle. On dit, Faire une profession de foy, pour dire, Faire une declaration publique de sa foy, & des… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

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  • Profession — Pro*fes sion, n. [F., fr. L. professio. See {Profess}, v.] 1. The act of professing or claiming; open declaration; public avowal or acknowledgment; as, professions of friendship; a profession of faith. [1913 Webster] A solemn vow, promise, and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • profession — Profession, Professio. Faire profession de quelque chose et s en mesler publiquement, Aliquid profiteri. Profession de bien parler, Bene dicendi professio. La profession et art dont se mesle l orateur, Vis et facultas oratoris. Profession de… …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • Profession — Sf Beruf erw. fach. (16. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus frz. profession, dieses aus l. professio öffentliche Angabe , zu l. profitērī öffentlich angeben zu l. fatērī bekennen und l. prō. Adjektiv: professionell. Professional Berufssportler… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • profession — ► NOUN 1) a paid occupation, especially one involving training and a formal qualification. 2) (treated as sing. or pl. ) a body of people engaged in a profession. 3) an open but typically false claim. 4) a declaration of belief in a religion. ●… …   English terms dictionary

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  • profession — (n.) c.1200, vows taken upon entering a religious order, from O.Fr. profession, from L. professionem (nom. professio) public declaration, from professus (see PROFESS (Cf. profess)). Meaning occupation one professes to be skilled in is from early… …   Etymology dictionary

  • profession — [prō fesh′ən, prəfesh′ən] n. [OFr < L professio] 1. a professing, or declaring; avowal, whether true or pretended [a profession of sympathy] 2. a) the avowal of belief in a religion b) a faith or religion professed 3 …   English World dictionary

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