
1 produce a copy of sth; produce sth again
accurately, exactly, faithfully

The painting is reproduced very accurately.

The book's characters are faithfully reproduced in the movie.


They do not reproduce well in print.


Photographs can be easily reproduced with a negative.

merely, simply

In her own work she simply reproduces the very conventions that she claims to despise.

be able to, can
be unable to
be easy to, be possible to
be difficult to, be hard to, be impossible to

It is difficult to reproduce a signature exactly.


The map is reproduced here from a 19th-century original.

an attempt to reproduce sth

Writing grew out of an attempt to reproduce speech in a permanent form.

beautifully reproduced

The photos are beautifully reproduced.

reproduced (by) courtesy of sb/sth

The painting is reproduced here courtesy of the National Gallery.

The interview is reproduced by courtesy of ‘Attitude’.

reproduced with sb's permission, reproduced without sb's permission

The article may not be reproduced without written permission of the author.

widely reproduced

These works were popular and widely reproduced.

2 produce young
asexually, sexually

The salmon would begin reproducing naturally.


a frog species successfully reproducing

be able to, be likely to, can

The offspring have to be able to reproduce in their turn.

be unable to, fail to

Many single cell organisms reproduce by splitting in two.

Reproduce is used with these nouns as the object: ↑image, ↑painting

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • reproduce — REPRODÚCE, reproduc, vb. III. 1. tranz. A reda cu exactitate ceea ce este scris, ceea ce a spus sau a făcut cineva. ♦ A imita felul de a fi, gesturile, mimica cuiva. 2. refl. A reactualiza în memorie idei, cunoştinţe însuşite în cursul… …   Dicționar Român

  • Reproduce — Re pro*duce (r? pr? d?s ), v. t. To produce again. Especially: (a) To bring forward again; as, to reproduce a witness; to reproduce charges; to reproduce a play. (b) To cause to exist again. [1913 Webster] Those colors are unchangeable, and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • reproduce — I verb beget, breed, bring forth, conceive, copy, create, do again, double, duplicate, engender, father, fecundate, fructify, generate, give birth to, imitate, make again, manifold, mirror, multiply, parallel, portray, procreate, progenerate,… …   Law dictionary

  • reproduce — [v1] make more copies of carbon*, clone, copy, do again, dupe*, duplicate, echo, emulate, engross, follow, imitate, knock off, manifold, match, mimeo*, mimeograph, mirror, parallel, photocopy, photograph, photostat, pirate, portray, print,… …   New thesaurus

  • reproduce — 1610s, to produce again; see RE (Cf. re ) again + PRODUCE (Cf. produce) (v.), probably on model of Fr. reproduire (16c.). Sense of make a copy is first recorded 1850; that of produce offspring is from 1894 …   Etymology dictionary

  • reproduce — propagate, *generate, engender, breed, beget, get, sire, procreate Analogous words: produce, *bear, yield: multiply (See INCREASE) …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • reproduce — ► VERB 1) produce a copy or representation of. 2) recreate in a different medium or context. 3) (of an organism) produce offspring. DERIVATIVES reproducer noun reproducible adjective …   English terms dictionary

  • reproduce — [rē΄prə do͞os′, rē΄prədyo͞os′] vt. reproduced, reproducing to produce again; make, form, or bring into existence again or anew in some way; specif., a) to produce by generation or propagation; bring forth one or more other individuals of (the… …   English World dictionary

  • reproduce — [[t]ri͟ːprədju͟ːs, AM du͟ːs[/t]] reproduces, reproducing, reproduced 1) VERB If you try to reproduce something, you try to copy it. [V n] I shall not try to reproduce the policemen s English... [V n] The effect has proved hard to reproduce. Syn:… …   English dictionary

  • reproduce — 01. The study of genetic mutation from one generation to another was done on fruit flies because they [reproduce] so quickly. 02. The Leonardo da Vinci exhibit at the museum featured a number of [reproductions] of some of his most famous works.… …   Grammatical examples in English

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