
little, small

a little restaurant I know in Paris

five-star, four-star, etc.
decent, excellent, good, great, wonderful
classy, elegant, exclusive, fancy, fine, fine-dining (esp. AmE), gourmet, high-end (AmE), posh (informal), smart (esp. BrE), stylish (esp. BrE), top, upscale (AmE)
cool (esp. AmE), hip, hot (esp. AmE), trendy (all informal)

some of the hottest restaurants in New York

cheap, expensive
chain (esp. AmE)

the country's most successful chain restaurants

theme (esp. AmE)

She eats at the hotel restaurant when she travels on business.

area (AmE), local, nearby, neighbourhood/neighborhood (esp. AmE)
downtown (AmE)
busy, crowded
candlelit (esp. BrE), intimate, romantic
à la carte (esp. BrE)
full-service (AmE)
sit-down (AmE)
takeaway (BrE), takeout (AmE)
licensed (BrE)
Chinese, French, etc.
fish, pizza, seafood, sushi
fast-food, organic, vegetarian, etc.
go out to, go to, visit

If you're too tired to cook, let's go to a restaurant.


She frequented the restaurant on almost a weekly basis.


We're going to try this Italian restaurant that just opened.


We would recommend this restaurant to anyone.

leave, walk out of

They walked out of the restaurant without paying.

open, start

She decided to open her own restaurant.

manage, run

She runs a family fish restaurant.

operate (esp. AmE), own

It operates 79 restaurants in 26 states.

offer sth, serve sth, specialize in sth

a restaurant offering a wide variety of local specialities

The hotel restaurant serves a buffet breakfast.

an Asian restaurant specializing in Thai cuisine

cater for, cater to

the few local shops and restaurants catering to summer visitors

employee, manager, operator, owner, patron (esp. AmE), staff, worker

Restaurant workers are often badly paid.

chain, group
business, industry

hygiene standards in the restaurant industry

food, menu

the increasing cost of restaurant meals

dining (AmE)

We don't do a lot of restaurant dining.

guide, review
at a/the restaurant

They argued the whole time we were at the restaurant.

in a/the restaurant

We had a quick meal in a small local restaurant.

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • restaurant — [ rɛstɔrɑ̃ ] n. m. • 1803; « reconstituant, fortifiant » XVIe XVIIIe; « boisson réconfortante » provenç. (1507); de restaurer ♦ Établissement où l on sert des repas moyennant paiement. ⇒fam. resto. Tenir un restaurant. Dîner au restaurant. «… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • restaurant — RESTAURÁNT, restaurante, s.n. Unitate de alimentaţie publică care prepară în bucătărie proprie mâncăruri şi le desface contra cost, împreună cu băuturi, în săli de mese special amenajate; local în care se află o astfel de unitate. [pr.: sta u ] – …   Dicționar Român

  • restaurant — restaurant, ante (rè stô ran, ran t ) adj. 1°   Qui restaure, qui répare les forces. Aliment restaurant. Potion restaurante.    S. m. C est un bon restaurant que le vin.    Particulièrement. Consommé fort succulent. •   Le père tout tremblant le… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Restaurant — Sn std. (19. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus frz. restaurant, dem PPräs. von frz. restaurer wiederherstellen (restaurieren). So bezeichnet wurde zunächst eine stärkende Kost, danach der Ort, an dem eine solche Kost zu erhalten war.    Ebenso nndl.… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • restaurant — UK US /ˈrestərɒnt/ noun [C] ► COMMERCE a place where meals are prepared and served to paying customers: »She has no experience of running a restaurant. »the restaurant business/industry »a restaurant chain »a restaurant owner/manager …   Financial and business terms

  • restaurant — Restaurant. s. m. v. Aliment qui restaure, qui donne des forces. C est un bon restaurant que l ambre gris, que le vin. On appelle plus particulierement, Restaurant, Un consommé fort succulent, un pressis de viande. On luy a donné un restaurant …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • restaurant — 1827, from Fr. restaurant a restaurant (said to have been used in Paris c.1765 by Boulanger), originally food that restores, noun use of prp. of restaurer to restore or refresh, from O.Fr. restorer (see RESTORE (Cf. restore)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Restaurant — [Basiswortschatz (Rating 1 1500)] Bsp.: • Sie aßen in einem Restaurant zu Abend. • Wir gehen gerne in ein italienisches Restaurant …   Deutsch Wörterbuch

  • Restaurant — Res tau*rant (r?s t?*r?nt;277), n. [F., fr. restaurer. See {Restore}.] An eating house. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Restaurant — (franz., spr. storāng), in Frankreich soviel wie Speisehaus, (feinere) Garküche, wofür in Deutschland meist Restauration gebraucht wird; das erste wirkliche R. wurde 1770 in Paris errichtet. Restaurateur (spr. storatȫr), der Wirt eines… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Restaurant — (frz., spr. storáng), Speisehaus, Gastwirtschaft; Restaurateur (spr. töhr), Gastwirt (s.d.) …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

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