
Ruggedly is used with these adjectives: ↑handsome

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • ruggedly — rugged ► ADJECTIVE 1) having a rocky and uneven surface. 2) having or requiring toughness and determination. 3) (of a man) having attractively masculine, rough hewn features. DERIVATIVES ruggedly adverb ruggedness noun. ORIGIN originally in the… …   English terms dictionary

  • Ruggedly — Rugged Rug ged, a. [See {Rug}, n.] 1. Full of asperities on the surface; broken into sharp or irregular points, or otherwise uneven; not smooth; rough; as, a rugged mountain; a rugged road. [1913 Webster] The rugged bark of some broad elm. Milton …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ruggedly — adverb see rugged …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • ruggedly — See rugged. * * * …   Universalium

  • ruggedly — adverb In a rugged manner …   Wiktionary

  • ruggedly — rÊŒgɪdlɪ adv. in a rugged manner; roughly, coarsely; harshly, severely …   English contemporary dictionary

  • ruggedly — rug·ged·ly …   English syllables

  • ruggedly — See: rugged …   English dictionary

  • ruggedly — adverb in a rugged manner • Derived from adjective: ↑rugged …   Useful english dictionary

  • rugged — ruggedly, adv. ruggedness, n. /rug id/, adj. 1. having a roughly broken, rocky, hilly, or jagged surface: rugged ground. 2. (of a face) wrinkled or furrowed, as by experience or the endurance of hardship. 3. roughly irregular, heavy, or hard in… …   Universalium

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