- same-sex
- adj.Same-sex is used with these nouns: ↑attraction, ↑couple, ↑desire, ↑love, ↑marriage, ↑partner, ↑partnership, ↑relationship, ↑union, ↑wedding
Collocations dictionary. 2013.
Collocations dictionary. 2013.
same-sex — same′ sex adj. 1) of or relating to two or more persons of the same gender: same sex friendships[/ex] 2) soc of or involving a sexual relationship between two men or between two women: same sex marriage[/ex] … From formal English to slang
same-sex — [sām′seks′] adj. of, for, or relating to people of the same sex, specif., homosexuals [same sex partners] … English World dictionary
same-sex — adj same sex marriage/relationship etc a marriage, relationship etc between two men or two women = ↑homosexual … Dictionary of contemporary English
same-sex — same ,sex adjective used for referring to sexual relationships involving either two men or two women: same sex marriage/couples … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
same-sex — ADJ: usu ADJ n Same sex people are the same sex as each other, or the same sex as a particular person. They wish same sex couples to be recognised as families. ...women s same sex friends … English dictionary
same-sex — adjective a) Restricted to members of a single sex. a same sex school b) Of, or relating to homosexual men or women. Some nations have legalized same sex marriage. Syn … Wiktionary
same-sex — adj. 1. of or relating to two or more persons of the same gender: same sex friendships. 2. of or involving a sexual relationship between two men or between two women: same sex marriage. * * * … Universalium
same-sex — adj. 1. of or relating to two or more persons of the same gender: same sex friendships. 2. of or involving a sexual relationship between two men or between two women: same sex marriage … Useful english dictionary
same-sex — UK / US adjective used for referring to sexual relationships involving either two men or two women same sex marriage same sex couples … English dictionary
same-sex — /ˈseɪm sɛks/ (say saym seks) adjective involving two people who are of the same sex: same sex relationships …