
Scrum is used after these nouns: ↑rugby

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • Scrum — (engl. „Gedränge“) ist ein Rahmenwerk (framework) zur Entwicklung komplexer Produkte, das derzeit vor allem in der Entwicklung von Software angewendet wird.[1] Der Ansatz von Scrum ist empirisch, inkrementell und iterativ. Er beruht auf der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • SCRUM — (engl. das Gedränge) ist ein Vorgehensmodell mit Meetings, Artefakten, Rollen, Werten und Grundüberzeugungen, das beim Entwickeln von Produkten im Rahmen agiler Softwareentwicklung hilfreich ist. Teammitglieder organisieren ihre Arbeit weitgehend …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • scrum — SCRUM, (rar) scrumuri, s.n. 1. Materie neagră sau cenuşie care rămâne după arderea completă a unui corp (şi care poate păstra în parte forma obiectului ars). ♢ expr. A se alege scrumul (şi fumul sau şi cenuşa) (de ceva sau de cineva) = a nu mai… …   Dicționar Român

  • Scrum — can refer to:* Scrum (rugby), a way to restart a rugby union or rugby league game after an interruption (e.g., after a minor foul) * Scrum (development), an agile software development method for project management * Media scrum, when public… …   Wikipedia

  • scrum — [skrʌm] n [Date: 1800 1900; Origin: scrummage scrum (19 21 centuries), from scrimmage] 1.) a part of a game of ↑rugby when the players all push together in a circle, with their heads down, and try to get the ball 2.) [singular] BrE informal a… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • scrum — scrum; scrum·mage; scrum·mag·er; …   English syllables

  • scrum — [skrum] Rugby n. [< SCRUM(MAGE)] a play in which the two sets of forwards, lined up facing each other in a compact formation, try to kick the ball, which has been thrown on the ground between them, back to a teammate vi. scrummed, scrumming to …   English World dictionary

  • scrum — ► NOUN 1) Rugby an ordered formation of players in which the forwards of each team push against each other with heads down and the ball is thrown in. 2) Brit. informal a disorderly crowd. ► VERB (scrummed, scrumming) Rugby ▪ form or take part in… …   English terms dictionary

  • scrum — 1888, abbreviation of scrummage, a variant form of scrimmage (q.v.) …   Etymology dictionary

  • Scrum — Véase también: medio scrum Ciclos de desarrollo. Scrum es un marco de trabajo para la gestión y desarrollo de software basada en un proceso iterativo e incremental utilizado comúnmente en entornos basados en el desarrollo ágil de software. Aunque …   Wikipedia Español

  • Scrum — Разработка программного обеспечения Процесс разработки ПО Шаги процесса Анализ • Проектирование • Программирование • Докумен …   Википедия

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