

In 1742 he suffered a fatal attack of smallpox.


15 million cases of smallpox were reported worldwide.

be infected with, catch, contract, get
die from, die of

a worldwide campaign to eradicate smallpox by the use of mass vaccinations

be inoculated against, be vaccinated against

Everyone has been vaccinated against smallpox.

epidemic, outbreak
inoculation, vaccination
against smallpox, for smallpox

mass vaccinations for smallpox

from smallpox

the death rate from smallpox

the eradication of smallpox

The eradication of smallpox ranks as one of the great triumphs of public health.

Smallpox is used before these nouns: ↑vaccination

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • Smallpox — Small pox , n. [Small + pox, pocks.] (Med.) A contagious, constitutional, febrile disease characterized by a peculiar eruption; variola. The cutaneous eruption is at first a collection of papules which become vesicles (first flat, subsequently… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • smallpox — 1510s, small pokkes, as distinguished from great pox syphillis (see POX (Cf. pox)). Cf. Fr. petite vérole …   Etymology dictionary

  • smallpox — ► NOUN ▪ an acute contagious disease spread by a virus, with fever and pustules usually leaving permanent scars …   English terms dictionary

  • smallpox — [smôlpäks΄] n. an acute, highly contagious disease caused by a poxvirus and characterized by prolonged fever, vomiting, and pustular eruptions that often leave pitted scars, or pockmarks, when healed: see VARIOLA …   English World dictionary

  • Smallpox — otheruses4|the disease the 1982 Serbian film|Variola Vera|the fish genus|Variola (Serranidae) Infobox Disease Name = Smallpox Caption = A child infected with smallpox ICD10 = ICD10|B|03| |b|00 ICD9 = ICD9|050 DiseasesDB = 12219 MedlinePlus =… …   Wikipedia

  • smallpox — /smawl poks /, n. Pathol. an acute, highly contagious, febrile disease, caused by the variola virus, and characterized by a pustular eruption that often leaves permanent pits or scars: eradicated worldwide by vaccination programs. [1510 20; SMALL …   Universalium

  • smallpox — n. 1) to contract, develop smallpox 2) a smallpox epidemic (there have been no smallpox epidemics for many years) * * * develop smallpox to contract a smallpox epidemic (there have been no smallpox epidemics for many years) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • smallpox — An acute eruptive contagious disease caused by a poxvirus (Orthopoxvirus, a member of the family Poxviridae) and marked at the onset by chills, high fever, backache, and headache; in 2–5 days the constitu …   Medical dictionary

  • Smallpox — Variole  Pour la « grande vérole », qui n a aucun lien de parenté avec la variole (malgré son surnom), voir syphilis. Variole Classification et ressources externes CIM 10 B03 CIM 9 050 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • smallpox — (variola; smawl poks) Once a highly contagious, often fatal disease caused by a poxvirus. Its most noticeable symptom was the appearance of blisters and pustules on the skin. Vaccination has eradicated smallpox throughout the world …   Dictionary of microbiology

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