
frame, game

We played a couple of frames of snooker in the evening.

ball, cue, table

He bought a a full-size snooker table.

ace, champion, player, star
club, hall, room
championship, match, tournament

The ex-miner stunned the snooker world by winning his first tournament.

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • Snooker-WM — Turniere der Snooker Main Tour Weltmeisterschaft World Snooker Championship Ranglistenturniere 2008/09 Northern Ireland Trophy Shanghai Masters …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Snooker WM — Turniere der Snooker Main Tour Weltmeisterschaft World Snooker Championship Ranglistenturniere 2008/09 Northern Ireland Trophy Shanghai Masters …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • snooker — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 7}}[wym. snuker] {{/stl 7}}{{stl 8}}rz. mnż I, D. a, Mc. snookererze {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}} brytyjska odmiana bilardu : {{/stl 7}}{{stl 10}}Snooker i bilard otrzymały status dyscyplin olimpijskich. (GW) Nie interesuje mnie snooker.… …   Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień

  • snooker — ► NOUN 1) a game played with cues on a billiard table, in which the players use a white cue ball to pocket the other balls in a set order. 2) a position in a game of snooker or pool in which a player cannot make a direct shot at any permitted… …   English terms dictionary

  • snooker — (n.) 1889, the game and the word said to have been invented in India by British officers as a diversion from billiards. The name is perhaps a reference (with reference to the rawness of play by a fellow officer) to British slang snooker newly… …   Etymology dictionary

  • snooker — [snook′ər] n. [< ?] a variety of the game of pool played with fifteen red balls and six other balls vt. 1. to make a direct shot impossible for (an opponent in snooker) 2. Informal to thwart or defeat 3. Slang to deceive …   English World dictionary

  • snooker — |senúcâr| s. m. Variedade de jogo de bilhar, semelhante ao bilhar inglês.   ‣ Etimologia: palavra inglesa …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • Snooker — infobox sport imagesize = 300px caption = Snooker player playing a shot with a Cuegloss|Rest|rest union = World Snooker Association first = 19th century category = Cue sport ball = snooker balls olympic = NoSnooker is a cue sport that is played… …   Wikipedia

  • Snooker — Eröffnungsstoß beim Snooker Pulk der Roten mit pinkfarbenem Objektball Snooker (brit.: [ˈsnuːkə]; am.: [ …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Snooker — Table de snooker Le snooker est une variante du billard. Il se joue à deux ou en équipe de deux sur une grande table (la surface de jeu mesure 3,57 m sur 1,78 m) avec une « bille de choc » (la bille blanche) et des… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Snooker — Mark Selby juega una bola durante la serie mundial 2008 de Moscú. El snooker es un juego de billar que se desarrolla en una mesa especial de medidas 3,6 m por 1,8 m, también llamada de doce pies. Se juega con una bola blanca (la cue ball), quince …   Wikipedia Español

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