
Spam is used before these nouns: ↑email, ↑message
Spam is used after these nouns: ↑email

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • Spam — originally referred to Spam (food), a canned meat product sold by the Hormel Foods Corporation. Since then, many other uses of the term have emerged. * Spam (Monty Python), a Monty Python comedy sketch. The Spam in the sketch refers specifically… …   Wikipedia

  • Spam — /spam/, n., v., spammed, spamming. 1. Trademark. a canned food product consisting esp. of pork formed into a solid block. n. 2. (l.c.) a disruptive message posted on a computer network. v.t. 3. (l.c.) to send spam to. v.i. 4. (l.c.) to send spam …   Universalium

  • SPAM — steht für: Dosenfleisch der Firma Hormel Foods Inc., siehe Spam (Lebensmittel) Spam, im Sinne von massenhaftem Versand von elektronischen Nachrichten Spam Sketch Fliegendes Spaghettimonster, The Spaghetti Pulsar Activating Meatballs, die Gottheit …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Spam — 419 scam address munging bacn disk spamming e mail hygiene empty spam glurge ham …   New words

  • spam — n. Unsolicited emails sent to large numbers of email addresses in the hope of enticing some readers to respond. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008. spam …   Law dictionary

  • Spam — son mensajes electrónicos (habitualmente de tipo publicitario) no solicitados enviados en cantidades masivas. Aunque se puede hacer por distintas vías, la más utilizada entre el público en general es la basada en el correo electrónico. Otras… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Spam — [spæm] das; s, s <aus gleichbed. engl. amerik. spam, urspr. Spam®, Kurzw. für »spiced ham«. Der Name des Büchsenfleischs wurde von US Soldaten des 2. Weltkrieges später abwertend gebraucht für etwas, was man nicht leiden kann. >: a) zu… …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • Spam — Spam; spam; spam·mer; …   English syllables

  • spam — [spam] n. [prob. ult. < SPAM] Comput. unsolicited e mail, often advertisements, sent out over a computer network to many addresses, usually indiscriminately vt., vi. spammed, spamming to send such e mail to (a user or users) …   English World dictionary

  • Spam® — /spam/ noun A type of luncheon meat made from pork, spices, etc ORIGIN: Spiced ham • • • spammˈy adjective 1. Tasting of, containing or like spam or luncheon meat 2. Loosely, bland, unexciting, corny (informal) …   Useful english dictionary

  • spam — (n.) proprietary name registered by Geo. A. Hormel & Co. in U.S., 1937; probably a conflation of spiced ham. Soon extended to other kinds of canned meat. In the sense of Internet junk mail it was coined by Usenet users after March 31, 1993, when… …   Etymology dictionary

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