stand down from

stand down from
phr verb
Stand down from is used with these nouns as the object: ↑committee

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • stand down — ► stand down 1) (also stand aside) resign from or leave a position or office. 2) relax after a state of readiness. Main Entry: ↑stand …   English terms dictionary

  • stand-down — noun 1. a suspension and relaxation from an alert state or a state of readiness • Syn: ↑standdown • Hypernyms: ↑abeyance, ↑suspension 2. (military) a temporary stop of offensive military action • Syn: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • stand down — 1》 (also stand aside) resign from a position or office. 2》 (stand down or stand someone down) relax or cause someone to relax after a state of readiness. 3》 (of a witness) leave the witness box after giving evidence. → stand …   English new terms dictionary

  • stand down — verb a) To wait; to stop pursuing or fighting. They ordered the troops to stand down for the moment. b) To withdraw or retire from a position or from a team. transitive and/or intransitive …   Wiktionary

  • stand down — Synonyms and related words: Pax Dei, Pax Romana, Peace of God, abandon, abdicate, abeyance, armistice, back out, be pensioned, be superannuated, beg off, break, breathing spell, buffer zone, caesura, cease fire, cooling off period, cry off, day… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • stand down — PHRASAL VERB If someone stands down, they resign from an important job or position, often in order to let someone else take their place. [V P] Four days later, the despised leader finally stood down, just 17 days after taking office... [V P as n] …   English dictionary

  • stand down — verb Date: 1681 intransitive verb 1. to leave the witness stand 2. chiefly British a. to go off duty b. to withdraw from a contest, a position of leadership, or a state of alert or readiness transitive verb to remove (as a military unit) from… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • stand down — remove oneself as a candidate; descend from the witness stand …   English contemporary dictionary

  • stand-down — noun Date: circa 1919 a relaxation of status of a military unit or force from an alert or operational posture …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • stand down —    to be dismissed or prematurely retired from employment    Literally, to end a tour of duty or to revert to a lower state of preparedness after an alert. The term is used to protect the self esteem of a departing, and usually senior, employee …   How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

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