- system
- noun1 set of ideas/rules for organizing sthADJECTIVE▪ current, existing▪
We're looking to replace the existing system.
▪ modern, new▪ old-fashioned, outdated▪ traditional▪ standard▪ complex, complicated, elaborate, intricate, sophisticated▪The new system is overly complex.
▪ simple▪ comprehensive▪ coherent▪ integrated▪an integrated transport system (BrE)
▪an integrated transportation system (AmE)
▪ effective, efficient▪ viable, workable▪ inefficient, wasteful▪ flexible▪ rigid▪ stable▪ foolproof▪ imperfect, perfect▪ unique▪ centralized, decentralized▪ closed, open▪a closed system with a rigidly defined set of choices
▪ bureaucratic▪ hierarchical▪ authoritarian, oppressive, repressive▪ equitable, fair▪ corrupt, unjust▪ bankrupt▪The governor referred to a prison system that was bankrupt of compassion.
▪ public, state▪schools within the state system (BrE)
▪schools within the public system (AmE)
▪ local-government (esp. BrE), parliamentary, political▪ electoral, voting▪ banking, economic, financial, monetary▪ tax, taxation▪ educational, examination, school, university▪ court, criminal justice, judicial, justice, legal, penal, prison▪ benefit, benefits, health-insurance, pension, social-insurance, social-security, welfare▪ care, health, health-care▪ rail, railway (BrE), subway, transport (esp. BrE), transportation (esp. AmE)▪ communication▪ cable▪ detection, monitoring, warning▪ security, surveillance▪ backup, support▪ accounting, administrative▪ delivery▪ control▪ disciplinary▪ agricultural▪ commercial, market▪ cultural, social▪ scoring▪The game has a complex scoring system.
▪ grammatical, language▪ classification, filing▪ storage▪ belief, value▪ capitalist, caste, communist▪ multiparty, two-party▪ two-tierVERB + SYSTEM▪ build, create, design, develop, devise, establish, set up▪ have▪ adopt, apply, deploy, implement, introduce▪We are implementing a new system of stock control.
▪ advocate▪ join▪ be part of▪They are all part of the corrupt system we need to change.
▪ manage, operate, run▪ maintain▪ manipulate, play, use▪He played the legal system to his own advantage.
▪ organize▪How is the system organized?
▪ adapt, change, transform▪ tinker with▪ test▪ improve, modernize, overhaul, refine, reform, reorganize, simplify, streamline, strengthen▪the need to modernize the judicial system
▪ perfect▪ perpetuate▪The so-called reforms merely perpetuate an unjust system.
▪ clog, clog up▪a backlog of cases clogging up the system
▪ destabilize, disrupt, undermine, weaken▪attempts to disrupt the rail system
▪ dismantle▪ abandon, do away with, scrap▪ destroy, overthrow▪ replace▪ restore▪ criticize, fight, rebel against▪She spent her years at school fighting the system.
▪ defend, support▪ understand▪ beat, buck▪You can never beat the system!
▪ bypass▪an attempt to bypass the bureaucratic system
▪ blame▪It's not your fault—blame the system.
SYSTEM + VERB▪ exist▪ be based on sth, rest on sth▪Every political system rests on certain fundamentals.
▪ be aimed at sth, be geared to sth▪ allow sth, enable sth▪This system allows you to study at your own speed.
▪ offer sth, provide sth▪ be in operation, be operational, function, operate, work▪This case proves that the system works effectively.
▪ break down, collapse, failPREPOSITION▪ in a/the system▪at another point in the education system
▪ under a/the system▪Under the new system, all children will be monitored by a social worker.
▪ system for▪They devised an appropriate system for presenting the required information.
2 group of things/parts that work togetherADJECTIVE▪ sophisticated▪ automated, automatic, computer, computer-based, computerized, electronic, manual, mechanical▪ audio, sound, stereo▪ air-conditioning, alarm, electrical, exhaust, heating, life-support, plumbing, public address (abbreviated to PA), sprinkler, ventilation▪ electronic mail, email, mail, phone, telephone, voicemail▪ satellite▪ global positioning, guidance, navigation▪ propulsion▪ missile, weapons▪ drainage, irrigation▪ river, roadVERB + SYSTEM▪ build, create, develop▪ improve, streamline▪ install▪For this month only, installing the system is free.
SYSTEM + VERB▪ function, operate, work▪ break down, fail▪The air-conditioning system failed.
PREPOSITION▪ in a/the system, with a/the system▪a fault in the sound system
3 the body, or parts of it that work togetherADJECTIVE▪ auditory, biological, cardiovascular, circulatory, digestive, immune, nervous, reproductive, respiratory, sensory, visual▪the central nervous system
PREPOSITION▪ in a/the system▪a valve in the circulatory system
PHRASES▪ a shock to the system▪Returning to work after a long break can be a terrible shock to the system.
4 workings of a computerADJECTIVE▪ advanced, powerful▪ interactive▪ online▪ digital, optical, wireless▪ compatible, incompatible▪ computer, PC▪ operating, operational▪ database, file, information, management▪ processing, recognition, retrieval, storage▪an information retrieval system
▪ server, software▪ parallelVERB + SYSTEM▪ install▪ boot, boot up, reboot▪Just reboot the system and try again.
▪ build, design, develop▪We're designing a voice-recognition system.
▪ launch▪ upgradeSYSTEM + VERB▪ run▪The system runs on this workstation.
▪ crash, fail, go down▪The entire computer system went down.
SYSTEM + NOUN▪ software▪ design▪ performance▪ administrator▪ failure▪ backup▪ rebootPREPOSITION▪ in a/the system▪faults in the data-processing system
Collocations dictionary. 2013.