
1 container
empty, full
glass, steel
4-foot, 50-gallon, 80-litre/80-liter, etc.
fuel, oil, oxygen, water

the hot and cold water tanks

gas, gasoline (AmE), petrol (BrE), propane (esp. AmE) (In the US, gas tank usually refers to the part of a car or motorbike that contains petrol/gasoline. In the UK, it refers to a container for a gas.)
holding, storage

a water storage tank

fill, refill
drain, empty
puncture, rupture

The truck crashed into a wall and ruptured a fuel tank.

clean, clean out

I cleaned out the fish tank today.

contain sth
in a/the tank, into a/the tank

Put a little fish food into the tank.

tank of

a full tank of petrol (BrE)

a full tank of gasoline/gas (AmE)

2 military vehicle
armoured/armored, army, battle
climb into, get into
employ, use

an analysis of how tanks were employed on the battlefield


Tanks rolled in to end the siege.

advance, attack
battalion, company (esp. AmE), corps, platoon (AmE), regiment (esp. BrE)
commander, crew
Tank is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑market

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • Tank — Tank …   Deutsch Wörterbuch

  • tank — [ tɑ̃k ] n. m. • 1857; mot angl. « réservoir »; tanque « citerne pour se baigner, aux Indes » 1617; mot port. 1 ♦ Citerne d un navire pétrolier. Cylindre métallique de grandes dimensions utilisé comme réservoir dans certaines industries. Tank à… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • tank — [tæŋk] noun in the tank FINANCE likely to fail and lose money: • With the junk bond market in the tank, smarter investors are trying to pick up other investments • Sales can t keep going up at that rate, but that doesn t mean the industry is… …   Financial and business terms

  • tank — [taŋk] n. [ TANK sense 1 < Gujarati tānkh; other senses < or infl. by Sp & Port tanque, aphetic < estanque, a pool, stoppage of flow < estancar, to stop the flow of < VL * stanticare, to STAUNCH] 1. Archaic in India, a natural or… …   English World dictionary

  • Tank — (t[a^][ng]k), n. [Pg. tanque, L. stangum a pool; or perhaps of East Indian origin. Cf. {Stank}, n.] 1. A large basin or cistern; an artificial receptacle for liquids. [1913 Webster] 2. A pond, pool, or small lake, natural or artificial. [Webster… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Tank — Sm std. (18. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus ne. tank, das mit port. tanque auf hindī tānkh Wasserbehälter zurückgeht. Es war zuvor schon im 17. Jh. in deutschen Reisebeschreibungen erwähnt worden. Die Übertragung auf gepanzerte Kraftwagen erfolgte …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

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