tumble out

tumble out
phr verb
Tumble out is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑word

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • tumble — I n. (colloq.) fall 1) to take a tumble 2) a bad, nasty tumble (she took a nasty tumble) 3) a tumble from sign of recognition 4) to give smb. a tumble (they wouldn t give us a tumble) II v. 1) (d; intr.) to tumble into (to tumble into bed) 2) (d; …   Combinatory dictionary

  • tumble — tum|ble1 [ˈtʌmbəl] v [Date: 1200 1300; Origin: tumb [i] to dance, perform as a tumbler (11 14 centuries), from Old English tumbian] 1.) [always + adverb/preposition] to fall down quickly and suddenly, especially with a rolling movement tumble… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Tumble polishing — Tumble polishing, or tumbling, is a technique for smoothing and polishing a rough surface. Within the field of metalwork, this is known as barreling , or barrel polishing , and is subtly different, but uses the same principles.toneFor tumbling of …   Wikipedia

  • tumble — Synonyms and related words: alight upon, apprehend, arsy varsiness, ball up, bite the dust, blow down, blow over, blunder, blunder upon, blur, blur distinctions, bollix up, bow, bowl down, bowl over, break up, breakdown, bring down, bulldog, bump …   Moby Thesaurus

  • tumble — [[t]tʌ̱mb(ə)l[/t]] tumbles, tumbling, tumbled 1) VERB If someone or something tumbles somewhere, they fall there with a rolling or bouncing movement. [V prep/adv] A small boy tumbled off a third floor fire escape... [V prep/adv] The dog had… …   English dictionary

  • tumble — /tum beuhl/, v., tumbled, tumbling, n. v.i. 1. to fall helplessly down, end over end, as by losing one s footing, support, or equilibrium; plunge headlong: to tumble down the stairs. 2. to roll end over end, as in falling: The stones tumbled down …   Universalium

  • tumble — v. & n. v. 1 intr. & tr. fall or cause to fall suddenly, clumsily, or headlong. 2 intr. fall rapidly in amount etc. (prices tumbled). 3 intr. (often foll. by about, around) roll or toss erratically or helplessly to and fro. 4 intr. move or rush… …   Useful english dictionary

  • tumble — 1 verb (I) 1 (always + adv/prep) to fall quickly and suddenly downwards, especially with a rolling movement (+ over/backwards/down): She lost her balance and tumbled backwards. 2 (always + adv/prep) to move in an uncontrolled way (+ into/through) …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • tumble — v 1. fall down, fall end over end, pitch, pitch forward, precipitate oneself, fall headlong, go down, Inf. take a spill, Inf. take a flyer or a header or a pratfall; slip, stagger, totter, falter, lose one s footing, lose one s equilibrium, Inf.… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • tumble up — phrasal 1. : to go or come quickly on deck men are still tumbling up from below, racing to their battle stations E.L.Beach 2. dialect : to roll hay into bundles for pitching * * * tumble up 1. To get out of bed 2. To throw into confusion …   Useful english dictionary

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