
Ultralight is used before these nouns: ↑aircraft

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • ultralight — (adj.) 1974, from ULTRA (Cf. ultra ) + LIGHT (Cf. light) (adj.). As a noun meaning ultralight aircraft it is recorded from 1982 …   Etymology dictionary

  • ultralight — I. adjective Date: 1974 extremely light in mass or weight < an ultralight alloy > < an ultralight pullover > II. noun Date: 1974 a very light recreational aircraft typically for one person that is powered by a small gasoline engine …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Ultralight — Unter Ultraleichtflugzeugen (UL) versteht man in Europa kleine, sehr leichte Flugzeuge für maximal zwei Personen. Was ein Ultraleichtflugzeug genau ist, wird von Land zu Land noch sehr unterschiedlich geregelt. International gibt es… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • ultralight — adj. /ul treuh luyt , ul treuh luyt /; n. /ul treuh luyt /, adj. 1. extremely lightweight in comparison with others of its kind: a car with an ultralight engine. n. 2. something that is ultralight. 3. a small, light, inexpensive single seat… …   Universalium

  • ultralight — /ˈʌltrəlaɪt/ (say ultruhluyt) adjective 1. extremely lightweight. 2. of or relating to an ultralight aircraft. –noun 3. an ultralight aircraft. {ultra + light2} …  

  • ultralight — ul•tra•light adj. [[t]ˌʌl trəˈlaɪt, ˈʌl trəˌlaɪt[/t]] n. [[t]ˈʌl trəˌlaɪt[/t]] adj. 1) cvb extremely lightweight in comparison with others of its kind 2) cvb something that is ultralight 3) aer. a light single seat airplane • Etymology: 1970–75 …   From formal English to slang

  • ultralight — I. ¦əltrəˌ adjective Etymology: ultra + light (IV) : extremely light in mass or weight an ultralight alloy II. ˈəltrəˌˌ noun : a very light recreational aircraft typically for one person that is powered by a small gasoline engine …   Useful english dictionary

  • Ultralight aviation — Ultralight redirects here. For the style of backpacking, see Ultralight backpacking. Ultralight aviation Huntair Pathfinder Mark 1 ultralight. The term ultralight aviation refers to light weight, 1 or 2 person airplanes., also called microlight… …   Wikipedia

  • Ultralight backpacking — is an advancedcitation|title=Lightweight Backpacking and Camping|author1=George Cole|author2=Ryan Jordan|author3=Alan Dixon|isbn=0974818828|date=2006] Please see the legal disclaimer in Jordan, Lightweight Backpacking and Camping , page v: not… …   Wikipedia

  • Ultralight aircraft (United States) — Ultralight aircraft in the United States are much smaller and lighter than ultralight aircraft in all other countries.In the USA ultralights are classified as vehicles and not aircraft and are thus not required to be registered or for the pilot… …   Wikipedia

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