
leave sth

customers who leave their bills unpaid till the last minute

Unpaid is used with these nouns: ↑bill, ↑debt, ↑fee, ↑intern, ↑invoice, ↑job, ↑labour, ↑leave, ↑overtime, ↑rent, ↑royalty, ↑volunteer, ↑wage, ↑work

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • unpaid — UK US /ʌnˈpeɪd/ adjective ► ACCOUNTING used to describe a debt, tax, etc. that has not been paid: unpaid debt/fines/taxes » The oil giant s accounts were frozen by authorities seeking to recover $3.4bn in unpaid taxes. unpaid… …   Financial and business terms

  • unpaid — [unpād′] adj. 1. not receiving pay [an unpaid volunteer] 2. not yet discharged or settled by or as by payment [an unpaid bill] 3. without wages or salary included [unpaid maternity leave] …   English World dictionary

  • unpaid — [adj1] free, voluntary contributed, donated, due, freewilled, gratuitous, honorary, unindemnified, unrewarded, unsalaried, volunteer; concept 538 Ant. paid unpaid [adj2] not settled; taken without remuneration delinquent, due, in arrears, mature …   New thesaurus

  • unpaid — I adjective due, free, given, gratis, gratuitous, in arrears, outstanding, owing, payable, uncollected, uncompensated, undischarged, unrecompensed, unremunerated, unrequited, unrewarded, unsalaried, unsettled, volunteer II index delinquent… …   Law dictionary

  • unpaid — (adj.) late 14c., in reference to persons, from UN (Cf. un ) (1) not + pp. of PAY (Cf. pay) (v.). Of debts, attested from late 15c …   Etymology dictionary

  • unpaid — ► ADJECTIVE 1) (of a debt) not yet paid. 2) (of work or leave) undertaken without payment. 3) not receiving payment for work done …   English terms dictionary

  • unpaid — [[t]ʌ̱npe͟ɪd[/t]] 1) ADJ: ADJ n If you do unpaid work or are an unpaid worker, you do a job without receiving any money for it. Even unpaid work for charity is better than nothing... The unpaid volunteers do the work because they love it. Ant:… …   English dictionary

  • unpaid — un|paid [ˌʌnˈpeıd] adj 1.) an unpaid bill or debt has not been paid 2.) done without receiving payment ▪ unpaid work ▪ unpaid leave …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • unpaid — adjective Date: 14th century 1. not paid < an unpaid volunteer > 2. not paying a salary < an unpaid position > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • unpaid — un|paid [ ,ʌn peıd ] adjective unpaid work is work that you are not paid for: She likes the job, but not the unpaid overtime. a. not yet paid for or paid to someone …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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