
Up-and-coming is used with these nouns: ↑artist, ↑musician

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • going\ and\ coming — • coming and going • going and coming adv. phr. 1. Both ways; in both directions. The truck driver stops at the same cafe coming and going. John was late. He got punished both going and coming; his teacher punished him and his parents punished… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • Up-and-coming — Das up and coming Filmfestival in Hannover ist ein Wettbewerb für Schüler, Studenten und Jugendliche bis zum Alter von 27 Jahren und findet alle 2 Jahre statt. Das Filmfest existiert bundesweit seit 1982 und international seit 1991 als up and… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • up-and-coming — {adj. phr.} Bound toward success; upwardly mobile; progressive; ambitious. * /The newly elected state senator is an up and coming young politician who is expected to be highly successful in national politics in the future./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • up-and-coming — {adj. phr.} Bound toward success; upwardly mobile; progressive; ambitious. * /The newly elected state senator is an up and coming young politician who is expected to be highly successful in national politics in the future./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • up-and-coming — ADJ: ADJ n Up and coming people are likely to be successful in the future. ...up and coming stars Joelle Obadia and Josef Nadj... Mr Hurford is an up and coming player …   English dictionary

  • up-and-coming — adjective likely to develop, become successful, or become popular soon: an up and coming young lawyer They bought their new home in an up and coming neighborhood …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • up and coming — beginning to achieve success or popularity. It s an up and coming business center that has attracted many new offices and stores. Many fans think Jimmy is an up and coming country singer …   New idioms dictionary

  • up-and-coming — /ˈʌp ən kʌmɪŋ / (say up uhn kuming) adjective about to become successful, popular, powerful, etc.: an up and coming politician. Also, (especially in predicative use), up and coming. –up and comer, noun …  

  • up-and-coming — adj [only before noun] likely to become successful or popular ▪ up and coming young artists …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • up-and-coming — UK / US adjective likely to develop, become successful, or become popular soon an up and coming young lawyer They bought their new home in an up and coming neighbourhood …   English dictionary

  • up-and-coming — [adj] rising ambitious, climbing, coming on strong*, determined, eager, enterprising, get up and go*, go getter*, high reaching, hungry, promising, soaring, striving, succeeding; concepts 326,542 …   New thesaurus

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