- vicarious
- adj.
Collocations dictionary. 2013.
Collocations dictionary. 2013.
Vicarious — may refer to:Entertainment* Vicarious, a single by the progressive rock band Tool * Vicarious , a song by Cadence Weapon from the album Breaking Kayfabe * Vicarious , a Breakbeat, Electro and Drum Bass DJ living and playing in Bristol, UK. *… … Wikipedia
Vicarious — Vi*ca ri*ous, a. [L. vicarius, from vicis change, alternation, turn, the position, place, or office of one person as assumed by another; akin to Gr. ? to yield, give way, G. wechsel a change, and probably also to E. weak. See {Weak}, and cf.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Vicarious — Sencillo de Tool Publicación 17 de Abril del 2006 (CD) y 18 de Diciembre del 2007 (DVD) Grabación Noviembre Diciembre de 2005 Género( … Wikipedia Español
vicarious — vi·car·i·ous /vī kar ē əs/ adj: imposed on one person in place of another see also vicarious liability at liability 2b vi·car·i·ous·ly adv vi·car·i·ous·ness n … Law dictionary
vicarious — [vī ker′ē əs, viker′ē əs] adj. [L vicarius, substituted: see VICAR] 1. a) taking the place of another thing or person; substitute; deputy b) held or handled by one person as the deputy of another; delegated [vicarious powers] 2. a) e … English World dictionary
vicarious — (adj.) 1630s, from L. vicarius substitute, deputy (adj. and n.), from vicis turn, change, exchange, substitution, from PIE root *weik , *weig to bend, wind (Cf. Skt. visti changing, changeable; O.E. wician to give way, yield, wice wych elm; O.N.… … Etymology dictionary
vicarious — [adj] done or felt for, or on behalf of, another by proxy, commissioned, delegated, deputed, empathetic, eventual, imagined, indirect, pretended, secondary, substituted, substitutional, surrogate, sympathetic; concepts 401,538 … New thesaurus
vicarious — ► ADJECTIVE 1) experienced in the imagination through the feelings or actions of another person. 2) acting or done for another. DERIVATIVES vicariously adverb. ORIGIN from Latin vicarius substitute … English terms dictionary
vicarious — adjective Etymology: Latin vicarius, from vicis change, alternation, stead more at week Date: 1637 1. a. serving instead of someone or something else b. that has been delegated < vicarious authority > 2. performed or suffered by one person as a… … New Collegiate Dictionary
vicarious — [[t]vɪke͟əriəs, AM vaɪkæ̱r [/t]] ADJ: ADJ n A vicarious pleasure or feeling is experienced by watching, listening to, or reading about other people doing something, rather than by doing it yourself. She invents fantasy lives for her own vicarious … English dictionary
vicarious — adj. 1 experienced in the imagination through another person (vicarious pleasure). 2 acting or done for another (vicarious suffering). 3 deputed, delegated (vicarious authority). Derivatives: vicariously adv. vicariousness n. Etymology: L… … Useful english dictionary