
Voluminous is used with these nouns: ↑correspondence, ↑literature, ↑robe, ↑skirt

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • Voluminous — Vo*lu mi*nous, a. [L. voluminosus: cf. F. volumineux.] Of or pertaining to volume or volumes. Specifically: [1913 Webster] (a) Consisting of many folds, coils, or convolutions. [1913 Webster] But ended foul in many a scaly fold, Voluminous and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • voluminous — index capacious, copious Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • voluminous — forming a large mass, 1610s, from L.L. voluminosus, from L. volumen (gen. voluminis) volume (see VOLUME (Cf. volume)). Related: Voluminously …   Etymology dictionary

  • voluminous — [adj] big, vast abundant, ample, billowing, bulky, capacious, cavernous, comprehensive, convoluted, copious, covering, expansive, extensive, full, great, large, legion, many, massive, multifarious, multitudinous, numerous, prolific, roomy,… …   New thesaurus

  • voluminous — ► ADJECTIVE 1) (of clothing or drapery) loose and ample. 2) (of writing) very lengthy and full. DERIVATIVES voluminously adverb. ORIGIN partly from Latin voluminosus having many coils , partly from Latin volumen a roll …   English terms dictionary

  • voluminous — [və lo͞o′mə nəs] adj. [LL voluminosus, full of rolls or folds < volumen: see VOLUME] 1. writing, producing, consisting of, or forming enough material to fill volumes 2. of great volume; large; bulky; full 3. Archaic characterized by many coils …   English World dictionary

  • voluminous — vo|lu|mi|nous [vəˈlu:mınəs, vəˈlju: US vəˈlu: ] adj formal [Date: 1600 1700; : Late Latin; Origin: voluminosus, from Latin volumen; VOLUME] 1.) a voluminous piece of clothing is very large and loose often used humorously ▪ a voluminous cloak 2.)… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • voluminous — adjective formal 1 a voluminous piece of clothing is very large and loose: a voluminous cloak 2 voluminous books, documents etc are very long and contain a lot of detail: He took voluminous notes during the lecture. 3 a voluminous container is… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • voluminous — adjective Etymology: Late Latin voluminosus, from Latin volumin , volumen Date: 1611 1. consisting of many folds, coils, or convolutions ; winding 2. a. having or marked by great volume or bulk ; large < long voluminous tresses >; also …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • voluminous — voluminously, adv. voluminousness, voluminosity /veuh looh meuh nos i tee/, n. /veuh looh meuh neuhs/, adj. 1. forming, filling, or writing a large volume or many volumes: a voluminous edition. 2. sufficient to fill a volume or volumes: a… …   Universalium

  • voluminous — vo|lu|mi|nous [ və lumınəs ] adjective FORMAL 1. ) voluminous clothing has a lot of material in it and is loose on your body 2. ) a voluminous container is able to hold a large amount 3. ) a voluminous document is long and detailed …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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