wring out of

wring out of
phr verb
Wring out of is used with these nouns as the object: ↑concession

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • wring out — verb extract (liquid) by squeezing or pressing wring out the washcloth • Syn: ↑squeeze out • Hypernyms: ↑extract, ↑pull out, ↑pull, ↑pull up, ↑take …   Useful english dictionary

  • wring out — PHRASAL VERB When you wring out a wet cloth or a wet piece of clothing, you squeeze the water out of it by twisting it strongly. [V P n (not pron)] He turned away to wring out the wet shirt... [V n P] Soak a small towel in the liquid, wring it… …   English dictionary

  • wring out — verb a) To squeeze a wet material, either by twisting with ones hands, or by passing it through a wringer, to remove the water. I couldnt help it. I had to tell him. He wrung it out of me. b) To force someone to give something, usually truth …   Wiktionary

  • wring — [ rıŋ ] (past tense and past participle wrung [ rʌŋ ] ) verb transitive wring or wring out to twist and squeeze something in order to remove liquid from it: I ll just wring out this dress and hang it up. wring someone s neck used for emphasizing… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • wring — [rıŋ] v past tense and past participle wrung [rʌŋ] [T] [: Old English; Origin: wringan] 1.) [always + adverb/preposition] to succeed in getting something from someone, but only after a lot of effort = ↑squeeze wring sth from/out of sb ▪ They are… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • wring — [[t]rɪ̱ŋ[/t]] wrings, wringing, wrung 1) VERB If you wring something out of someone, you manage to make them give it to you even though they do not want to. [V n out of/from n] Buyers use different ruses to wring free credit out of their… …   English dictionary

  • wring — UK [rɪŋ] / US verb [transitive] Word forms wring : present tense I/you/we/they wring he/she/it wrings present participle wringing past tense wrung UK [rʌŋ] / US past participle wrung wring or wring out to twist and squeeze something in order to… …   English dictionary

  • wring — verb past tense and past participle wrung, (T) 1 (always + adv/prep) to succeed in getting money, information, an agreement etc from someone, but only after a lot of effort: wring sth from sb/out of sb: We finally succeeded in wringing a… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • wring — [c]/rɪŋ / (say ring) verb (wrung or, Rare, wringed, wringing) –verb (t) 1. to twist forcibly, as something flexible. 2. Also, wring out. to twist and compress, or compress without twisting, in order to force out moisture: to wring one s clothes… …  

  • wring — [[t]rɪŋ[/t]] v. wrung, wring•ing, 1) to twist forcibly: She wrung the chicken s neck[/ex] 2) to twist or compress in order to force out water or other liquid (often fol. by out): to wring out a washcloth[/ex] 3) to extract by or as if by twisting …   From formal English to slang

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