civil partnership

civil partnership
Civil partnership is used before these nouns: ↑ceremony

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • civil partnership — or civil union noun An agreement between two people, usu of the same sex, giving them a legal status similar to that of a married couple • • • Main Entry: ↑civil * * * civil partnership UK US noun [countable] [singular civil partnership …   Useful english dictionary

  • civil partnership — is ‘a legally recognized union of a same sex couple, with rights similar to those of marriage’ (COD, 2006). In the UK, a form of civil union was brought into force by the Civil Partnership Act of 2005. In official use, however, the word marriage… …   Modern English usage

  • civil partnership — noun a) In the United Kingdom, an arrangement granted under the Civil Partnership Act of 2004, which gives same sex couples rights and responsibilities identical to civil marriage. b) A similar arrangement in other jurisdictions, including the… …   Wiktionary

  • civil partnership — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms civil partnership : singular civil partnership plural civil partnerships a relationship similar to marriage for two people who are of the same sex …   English dictionary

  • Civil Partnership Act 2004 — United Kingdom Parliament Long title An act to make provision for and in connection with civil partnership. Statute book chapter 1919 c. 76 …   Wikipedia

  • Civil partnership in the United Kingdom — Legal recognition of same sex relationships Marriage Argentina Belgium Canada Iceland Netherlands Norway Portugal South Africa Spain Sweden …   Wikipedia

  • Civil Partnership and Certain Rights and Obligations of Cohabitants Act 2010 — The Civil Partnership and Certain Rights and Obligations of Cohabitants Act 2010 is an Act of the Oireachtas (Irish Parliament) which allows civil partnerships. The act also provides rights for participants in long term cohabiting relationships… …   Wikipedia

  • Civil Partnership Act Schedule 20 — Schedule 20 of the Civil Partnership Act 2004 is a section of the British Civil Partnership Act recognising certain overseas unions as equivalent to civil partnerships under British law. Same sex couples who have entered into those unions are… …   Wikipedia

  • Legal consequences of marriage and civil partnership in the United Kingdom — This is a list of legal consequences of forming a civil partnership or marriage in the United Kingdom. *For the purposes of capital gains tax, a married couple/civil partners can claim private residence relief for only one dwelling, even if they… …   Wikipedia

  • Civil Union Act, 2006 — Act to provide for the solemnisation of civil unions, by way of either a marriage or civil partnership; the legal consequences of civil unions; and to provide for matters incidental thereto. Citation …   Wikipedia

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