
1 change to a new form/system/use
barn (BrE), loft

There are no charges for currency conversion.

data, file

Cheap solar energy conversion has been the dream of scientists since the 1970s.

carry out, undertake

a conversion kit that lets your vehicle run on non-polluting fuel

chart, table

Consult the conversion table to figure out the weight in kilos.

conversion from, conversion into

A local building company will carry out the conversion of the farm buildings into business units.

conversion to

conversion from analogue/analog to digital data

2 religious
Christian, religious, spiritual

the forced conversion of Jews during the Inquisition

overnight, sudden (both figurative)

her overnight conversion to market economics

experience, undergo

In the 90s he underwent a religious conversion.

conversion from, conversion to

her conversion from Islam to Christianity

3 in rugby

The try came in the third minute and Jon Bland added the conversion.

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • CONVERSION — Selon sa signification étymologique, conversion (du latin, conversio ) signifie retournement, changement de direction. Le mot sert donc à désigner toute espèce de retournement ou de transposition. C’est ainsi qu’en logique le mot est employé pour …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Conversion — may refer to: Contents 1 Economy and Finance 2 Law 3 Marketing 4 Religion 5 Sport …   Wikipedia

  • conversion — con·ver·sion /kən vər zhən/ n 1 a: the act of changing from one form or use to another b: the act of exchanging one kind of property for another; esp: the act of exchanging preferred stocks or bonds for shares of common stock of the same company… …   Law dictionary

  • conversion — CONVERSION. s. f. Transmutation. La conversion des métaux.Conversion, se dit aussi d Un simple changement de forme. La conversion des espèces. Il se dit aussi en parlant Des rentes qui étant à un certain denier, sont mises à un autre plus bas ou… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • Conversion — • Refers to a moral change, a turning or returning to God and to the true religion Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Conversion     Conversion      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Conversion — Con*ver sion, n. [L. conversio: cf. F. conversion. See {Convert}.] 1. The act of turning or changing from one state or condition to another, or the state of being changed; transmutation; change. [1913 Webster] Artificial conversion of water into… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • conversion — Conversion. s. f. v. Transmutation, changement. La conversion des elements l un en l autre. la conversion des metaux. Il se dit aussi en matiere de Religion, & de morale, & signifie Changement de croyance, de sentiments, & de moeurs de mal en… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • conversion — [kən vʉr′zhən, kən vʉr′shən] n. [ME conversioun < OFr conversion < L conversio < pp. of convertere: see CONVERT] 1. a converting or being converted; specif., a) a change from lack of faith to religious belief; adoption of a religion b) a …   English World dictionary

  • conversión — sustantivo femenino 1. Cambio de una cosa, acción o situación en otra: No es posible la conversión de esos vales en dinero. La conversión industrial era necesaria para modernizar el aparato productivo del país. Sinónimo: transformación. 2.… …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • conversión — f. psicol. Mecanismo por el cual un conflicto psíquico se traduce en un síntoma somático. Fue descubierto por Freud en relación con la histeria. Medical Dictionary. 2011. conversión …   Diccionario médico

  • Conversion — bezeichnet beim Rugby eine Möglichkeit Punkte zu erzielen, siehe Versuch (Rugby)#Erhöhung in der Familie der American Football Sportarten eine Möglichkeit Zusatzpunkte zu erzielen, siehe Two Point Conversion einen Begriff der Website Analytik,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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