
Creaky is used with these nouns: ↑elevator, ↑floorboard

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  • creaky — adj. 1. worn down with age or use; in poor condition. Syn: decrepit, flea bitten, run down, rundown, woebegone. [WordNet 1.5 +PJC] 2. producing a rasping or grating sound under some circumsatance; as, they were alerted by the creaky stairs; my… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • creaky — 1834, from CREAK (Cf. creak) + Y (Cf. y) (2) …   Etymology dictionary

  • creaky — ► ADJECTIVE (creakier, creakiest) 1) making a creaking sound. 2) decrepit or dilapidated …   English terms dictionary

  • creaky — [krēk′ē] adj. creakier, creakiest creaking or apt to creak creakily adv. creakiness n …   English World dictionary

  • creaky — [[t]kri͟ːki[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED A creaky object creaks when it moves. She pushed open a creaky door. 2) ADJ GRADED If you describe something as creaky, you think it is bad in some way because it is old or old fashioned. ...its creaky and corrupt… …   English dictionary

  • creaky — creak|y [ˈkri:ki] adj 1.) something such as a door, floor, or bed that is creaky creaks when you open it, walk on it, sit on it etc, especially because it is old and not in good condition ▪ creaky stairs 2.) an organization, company etc that is… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • creaky — adjective (creakier; est) Date: 1834 1. marked by creaking ; squeaky < creaky shoes > 2. showing signs of deterioration or decrepitude < a creaky old house > < a …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • creaky — UK [ˈkriːkɪ] / US [ˈkrɪkɪ] adjective Word forms creaky : adjective creaky comparative creakier superlative creakiest 1) making a creaking sound 2) no longer working well or in good condition The whole court system is becoming more creaky and… …   English dictionary

  • creaky — creakily, adv. creakiness, n. /kree kee/, adj., creakier, creakiest. 1. creaking or apt to creak: a creaky stairway. 2. run down; dilapidated: a creaky shack. 3. Phonet. (of the voice) produced by vibration of a small portion of the vocal cords… …   Universalium

  • creaky — creak|y [ kriki ] adjective 1. ) making a creaking sound 2. ) no longer working well or in good condition: The whole court system is becoming more creaky and inefficient …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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