
inexperienced, novice
emergency, skeleton

During the holiday period, there remains only a skeleton crew of about 20 workers.

aircraft (esp. BrE), airline (esp. AmE), boat, bomber, helicopter, lifeboat, ship's, submarine, tank, train
air, bridge, cabin, deck, flight, ground, maintenance, support
camera, film, movie (esp. AmE), news, production, stage, television, TV
ambulance, fire

Fire crews were called to the scene.

cleaning, clean-up (esp. AmE), construction, demolition, maintenance, repair, rescue, road
wrecking (AmE)
pit (esp. AmE)
one-man, two-man, etc.
employ (esp. BrE), hire
in a/the crew

all the men and women in the crew

cast and crew

The cast and crew of the movie are giving it their all.

a member of the crew
Crew is used with these nouns as the object: ↑boat

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • crew n — crew …   English expressions

  • crew — [kruː] noun [countable] TRAVEL TRANSPORT 1. all the people working on a ship or plane: • These planes carry over 300 passengers and crew. 2. all the people working on a ship or plane except the most important officers: • The captai …   Financial and business terms

  • Crew — (kr[udd]), n. [From older accrue accession, reenforcement, hence, company, crew; the first syllable being misunderstood as the indefinite article. See {Accrue}, {Crescent}.] 1. A company of people associated together; an assemblage; a throng.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Crew — [kɹuː] (dt. Mannschaft) bezeichnet: die Besatzung eines Transportmittels, siehe Schiffsbesatzung, Fliegendes Personal eine Musikgruppe, siehe Band (Musik) eine Filmcrew, siehe Filmstab eine soziale Gruppe (Clique), siehe Informelle Gruppe einen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • crew — crew1 [kro͞o] n. [ME creue, increase, growth < OFr < pp. of creistre, to grow < L crescere: see CRESCENT] 1. a group of people associating or classed together; company, set, gang, etc. 2. a group of people working together, usually under …   English World dictionary

  • Crew — Sf Besatzung, Team per. Wortschatz fach. (19. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus ne. crew, dieses aus afrz. crue Anwachsen, Zuwachs , dem substantivierten PPrät. von afrz. croître wachsen, sich mehren , aus l. crēscere. Der Bedeutungswandel geht von… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • crew — [1] ► NOUN (treated as sing. or pl. ) 1) a group of people who work on and operate a ship, boat, aircraft, or train. 2) such a group other than the officers. 3) informal, often derogatory a group of people. ► VERB 1) provide with a crew. 2) …   English terms dictionary

  • Crew — (kr[udd]), imp. of {Crow}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Crew — (kr[udd]), n. (Zo[ o]l.) The Manx shearwater. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • CREW — [kɹuː] (dt. Mannschaft) bezeichnet: die Besatzung eines Transportmittels, siehe Schiffsbesatzung, Fliegendes Personal eine Musikgruppe, siehe Band (Musik) eine soziale Gruppe (Clique), siehe Informelle Gruppe Die Abkürzung CREW steht für:… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Crew — [kruː] die; , s; Kollekt; eine Gruppe von Personen, die gemeinsam meist in einem Flugzeug arbeiten ≈ Mannschaft <die Crew eines Flugzeugs, eines Schiffes> …   Langenscheidt Großwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache

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