
big, crucial, fateful, important, key, landmark (law), major, momentous

It was a big decision to make.

In a landmark decision, the court agreed to hear evidence from twenty years earlier.

life-and-death, life-changing

Presidents must make momentous life-and-death decisions while in office.

difficult, hard, tough

the difficult decision of whether to go to college or nurse her sick mother


We need a firm decision by Friday.

prompt, snap, split-second

I had to make a snap decision about what to do with the money.

hasty, knee-jerk, rash
final, irreversible, irrevocable

Tomorrow the board will meet to make their final decision.

The decision is irreversible.


I need more facts before I can make an informed decision.

good, intelligent, prudent, rational, right, sensible, smart (esp. AmE), wise
bad, poor, unwise, wrong
controversial, questionable

He died after making the fateful decision to drive that evening.

collective, joint, unanimous

In the end, the decision to scrap the project was unanimous.

majority, split
court, government, etc.
investment, policy, etc.
clinical, ethical, political, tactical, etc.
arrive at, come to, make, reach, take (BrE)

Key decisions are always taken by the editor.


She now faces the toughest decision of her life.

affect, drive, guide, impact (AmE), influence, shape, sway

I didn't want to influence his decision.

announce, give (sb), issue

The committee will give us their decision tomorrow.

abide by

The decision has been made, and we must all abide by it.


Her parents respected her decision not to marry.

affirm, uphold

The management committee upheld her decision to fire two of her staff.


Failure to implement the decision would be a great shame.

reconsider, rethink, review, revisit (esp. AmE)
defend, explain, justify

She defended her decision not to give him the job.

appeal (AmE), appeal against (BrE), challenge, oppose, protest (AmE), protest against

plans to challenge this decision in the High Court

applaud, praise, support
override, overrule, overturn, quash, reverse

Nobody has the authority to overrule his decision.

defer, delay, postpone

The most persuasive talker often dominates the decision process.


It's decision time, and deciding is difficult.

decision about, decision on

a decision on her future

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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