
full, strong

We will give our full allegiance to the party.


It is hard to keep up with the shifting allegiances between the various political parties.

national, political, religious

Love of one's country does not mean blind allegiance to a regime.


He keeps everyone guessing about his true allegiance.

class, party
give, owe

He owed his allegiance to the organization that had given him all his opportunities.

declare, pledge, profess (esp. BrE), swear

The rebels now have to swear allegiance to a leader they hate.


Many people have abandoned their traditional party allegiances.

change, shift, switch, transfer

The various splinter groups all claim allegiance to the true spirit of the movement.

claim, command

Catholicism claims allegiance from more than 80% of the population.


The union needs to retain the allegiance of all its members for the strike to succeed.

allegiance to

He is now very rich but his allegiance to his working-class origins is still strong.

an oath of allegiance, a pledge of allegiance

New officers take an oath of allegiance to their country.

Every day the children say the Pledge of Allegiance. (in the US)

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • Allegiance — Al*le giance, n. [OE. alegeaunce; pref. a + OF. lige, liege. The meaning was influenced by L. ligare to bind, and even by lex, legis, law. See {Liege}, {Ligeance}.] 1. The tie or obligation, implied or expressed, which a subject owes to his… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • allegiance — I noun adherence, adherence to duty, attachment, bounden duty, call of duty, case of conscience, commitment, constancy, deference, devotedness, devotion, duteousness, dutifulness, faith, faithfulness, fealty, fidelity, fides, homage, imperative… …   Law dictionary

  • allegiance — [ə lē′jəns] n. [ME alligeaunce, altered (after allegeaunce, a formal declaration < aleggen, ALLEGE) < OFr ligeance < lige, liege (see LIEGE); sense affected by assoc. with L ligare, to bind] 1. the duty that was owed by a vassal to his… …   English World dictionary

  • Allegiance — (engl., spr. Ällidschäns), Gehorsam, Unterthanentreue, bei geborenen Engländern als ihnen angeboren (Natural A.), bei in England lebenden Ausländern nur als vorübergehend (Local A.) angenommen. Der Eid darauf (Oath of A.) besteht in dem… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Allegiance — (engl., spr. ällīdschens), Gehorsam, Untertanentreue, daher Oath of A., der Untertaneneid, den früher jeder Brite nach Vollendung des zwölften Lebensjahres seinem Herrscher als weltlichem Oberhaupt zu leisten hatte, und der noch jetzt von… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Allegiance — (engl., Aellidschäns), Unterthanentreue, Gehorsam; der Eid darauf (oath of alleg.) kann jedem über 12 Jahre alten geborenen Unterthanen oder in England wohnenden Fremden durch das Grafschaftsgericht abgenommen werden …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • allegiance — (n.) late 14c., from Anglo Fr. legaunce loyalty of a liege man to his lord, from O.Fr. legeance, from liege (see LIEGE (Cf. liege)); erroneously associated with L. ligare to bind; corrupted in spelling by confusion with the now obsolete legal… …   Etymology dictionary

  • allegiance — fealty, loyalty, *fidelity, devotion, piety Analogous words: faithfulness, steadfastness, constancy, staunchness (see corresponding adjectives at FAITHFUL): obeisance, deference, homage, *honor: obedience (see corresponding adjective OBEDIENT):… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • allegiance — [n] loyalty adherence, ardor, consecration, constancy, dedication, deference, devotion, duty, faithfulness, fealty, fidelity, homage, honor, obedience, obligation, piety; concept 689 Ant. disloyalty, enmity, sedition, treachery, treason …   New thesaurus

  • allegiance — ► NOUN ▪ loyalty of a subordinate to a superior or of an individual to a group or cause. ORIGIN Old French ligeance; related to LIEGE(Cf. ↑liege) …   English terms dictionary

  • Allegiance — An allegiance is a duty of fidelity said to be owed by a subject or a citizen to his/her state or sovereign.Origin of the wordMid. English ligeaunce ; med. Latin ligeantia ; the al was probably added through confusion with another legal term,… …   Wikipedia

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