
distant, faint
clear, distinct, loud, strong (often figurative)

There are clear echoes of Elvis Presley in his vocal style.

eerie, ghostly

The initial reports had an eerie echo of the attacks two weeks earlier.

ghostly echoes of Virginia's past


The bat compares the sound of its cry with the sound of the returning echo.

hear, listen for, listen to

We could just hear a faint echo.

make, produce, send back, send out

Their footsteps on the bare boards sent out hollow echoes.

contain, have (both figurative)

The story has echoes of Alice in Wonderland.

find (figurative)

The political upheavals find an echo in the art of the time.

bounce back, bounce off sth, rebound, reverberate

The echoes reverberated through the auditorium.

come back, return

An echo came back from the walls of the building.

die, die away

The echo slowly died away.

echo from

the echo from a brick wall

1 come back as an echo
faintly, slightly, softly
eerily, strangely

The sound echoed hollowly through the tall empty house.


Their voices echoed back across the water.

seem to

The protest seemed to echo across the room.

around, round (esp. BrE)

His voice echoed around the room.


Her footsteps echoed down the corridor.


Her screams still echoed in his ears.


The call echoed off the walls of the cave.


Laughter echoed through the house.


The great hall echoed with laughter.

2 repeat/agree with sb/sth

an opinion that is widely echoed in the tabloid press

merely, only, simply

In his statement, the police chief merely echoed the views of his deputy.


‘He's gone!’ Viv echoed incredulously.

seem to

Their ideas seem to echo our own.

Echo is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑applause, ↑bang, ↑boom, ↑crack, ↑cry, ↑explosion, ↑footstep, ↑gunfire, ↑roar, ↑scream, ↑shout, ↑sound, ↑thunder, ↑voice, ↑word
Echo is used with these nouns as the object: ↑concern, ↑refrain, ↑sentiment, ↑view, ↑word

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • écho — écho …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • Echo — Echo …   Deutsch Wörterbuch

  • écho — [ eko ] n. m. • XIIIe; lat. echo, gr. êkhô 1 ♦ Phénomène de réflexion du son par un obstacle qui le répercute; le son ainsi répété. Effet d écho. Il y a de l écho dans cette église. ⇒ réverbération. Écho simple, qui ne reproduit les sons qu une… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Echo — Écho Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.  Pour les articles homophones, voir écot et eco …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Echo 1 — (eigentlich Echo 1A) ist der Name eines großen Ballonsatelliten der USA, der am 12. August 1960 als erster Nachrichten und geodätischer Satellit gestartet wurde. Seine internationale COSPAR Nummer war 60 009 01 (9. Start des Jahres …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Echo 1A — Echo 1 Echo 1 (eigentlich Echo 1A) ist der Name eines großen Ballonsatelliten der USA, der am 12. August 1960 als erster Nachrichten und geodätischer Satellit gestartet wurde. Seine internationale COSPAR Nummer war 60 009 01 (9. Start des Jahres… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • echo — (от англ. echo эхо) команда Unix, предназначенная для отображения строки текста. Команда echo выводит текст (выводит текст на стандартное устройство вывода). Синтаксис echo [ПАРАМЕТР]... [СТРОКА]... Параметры n не выводить в конце символ… …   Википедия

  • Echo — Ech o ([e^]k [ o]), n.; pl. {Echoes} ([e^]k [=o]z). [L. echo, Gr. hchw echo, sound, akin to hchh , h^chos, sound, noise; cf. Skr. v[=a][,c] to sound, bellow; perh. akin to E. voice: cf. F. [ e]cho.] 1. A sound reflected from an opposing surface… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • écho — ÉCHO. s. m. (Prononcez Éco.) Les Poëtes ont feint une Nymphe de ce nom, fille de l Air, qui étant devenue amoureuse de Narcisse, dont elle ne put se faire aimer, fut métamorphosée en rocher, et ne conserva que la voix. Ce mot est féminin en ce… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

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