
(also e-mail) noun
junk, spam, unsolicited, unwanted
abusive (esp. BrE), angry (esp. AmE), nasty (esp. AmE)
incoming, outgoing
compose, type, write
fire off, send

When I saw what he'd written I fired off an angry email.

get, receive
exchange emails

Some members used email to renew their membership.


If a member does not have email, a letter is sent.

access, check, open, read

software which allows you to access your emails from any computer

Most people check their email several times a day.

answer, reply to, return

He never returns my emails.

archive, store

Some companies monitor all employee email.


You cannot post private emails to the website.

block, filter

filtering devices that block unwanted email


An email arrives in your inbox.

announce sth, claim sth, say sth, state sth, tell sb sth

an email announcing his promotion

ask sth, request sth

I sent an email asking about their products.

contain sth

The email contains a link to the retailer's website.

service, system

a free email service


Web-based email providers

subscriber, user
box (esp. AmE), inbox
program, software

Each of the rooms has Internet and email access.

reply, response

The next day I got 400 email responses.


Add your name to the email list.

alert, reminder, update, warning

You can sign up to receive email alerts.

confirmation, enquiry (esp. BrE), invitation, notification, query, request

Users receive email notification of special offers.

campaign, survey
communication, conversation, correspondence, discussion, exchange, interview

She is in constant email contact with a number of college staff.


the rise in corporate email traffic

hoax (esp. AmE), scam
virus, worm
Email is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑viewer
Email is used with these nouns as the object: ↑article, ↑copy, ↑curriculum vitae, ↑letter, ↑picture, ↑résumé

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • émail — émail, aux [ emaj, o ] n. m. • XIIIe; esmal 1140; frq. °smalt 1 ♦ Vernis constitué par un produit vitreux, incolore, coloré par des oxydes métalliques, et qui, porté à la température convenable et fondu, se solidifie et devient inaltérable. Émail …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Email — Email, Schmelz, durchsichtiger oder undurchsichtiger, gefärbter oder ungefärbter Glasfluß. Hauptsächlich auf Metallen, Tonwaren u.s.w. angewendet, um dieselben vor Oxydation zu schützen oder zu verzieren. Das Aufbringen des Ueberzugs nennt man… …   Lexikon der gesamten Technik

  • émail — ÉMAIL. s. m. Composition faite de verre calciné, de sel, de métaux, etc. que l on applique avec le feu sur des ouvrages d or, d argent, de cuivre, de fer, etc. pour les embellir. Faire appliquer de l émail. Émail noir, vert, rouge, blanc, etc.… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • email — EMÁIL, emailuri, s.n. 1. Masă sticloasă obţinută prin topire sau prin sinterizare, constituită în special din siliciu şi din bariu, care se aplică pe suprafaţa unor obiecte metalice sau ceramice, pentru a le proteja împotriva coroziunii, a le… …   Dicționar Român

  • Email — Émail Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Email — Sn (Emaille f.) Schmelzüberzug std. (18. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus frz. émail m. (älter: esmail). Das Wort wird durch französische Miniaturmalereien auf Email in Deutschland bekannt. Verb: emaillieren.    Ebenso nndl. émail, ne. enamel, nschw …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • email — short for electronic mail, is a term that has become familiar enough to be spelt as one word. Its grammatical behaviour follows that of mail, i.e. it is a noun and a verb; you can email messages and you can email people. See e …   Modern English usage

  • Email — Email, ein Glasfluß, womit man Metalle überzieht. Das beste davon, das durchsichtig ist und nur auf Gold haftet, heißt Lüstrefluß. Es wird aus Blei, Zinn, Kieselerde und Kali bereitet und mit Mineralfarben während des Schmelzens gefärbt. Es gibt… …   Damen Conversations Lexikon

  • email — n. Electronic mail; correspondence by letter over the Internet or another computer network. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008. email …   Law dictionary

  • Email — [e mai, e ma:j] das; s, s <aus gleichbed. fr. émail, dies über altfr. esmal aus dem Germ.> glasharter, korrosions u. temperaturwechselbeständiger Schmelzüberzug als Schutz auf metallischen Oberflächen od. als Verzierung …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • email — a type of pottery design pattern, c.1877, from Fr. email (12c.), lit. enamel (see ENAMEL (Cf. enamel)) …   Etymology dictionary

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