
rapid, sudden
early, late
lead to

Conditions after the war led to the emergence of a new type of political party.

herald, mark, signal
see, witness

The last decade saw the emergence of a dynamic economy.

encourage, facilitate, promote

The annual competition has encouraged the emergence of several talented young musicians.

emergence as

his emergence as the party's leader

emergence from

the island's emergence from the sea

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • émergence — [ emɛrʒɑ̃s ] n. f. • 1720; dr. « dépendance » 1498; de émergent 1 ♦ Phys. Sortie d un rayonnement. Point d émergence d un rayon lumineux, le point où il sort d un milieu qu il traverse. 2 ♦ Par anal. Émergence d un nerf, le point apparent où il… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Emergence — Émergence Pour les articles homonymes, voir Émergence (homonymie). L émergence désigne l apparition de nouvelles caractéristiques à un certain degré de complexité. C est un phénomène qu on trouve dans les domaines physiques, biologiques,… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Emergence — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Emergence Álbum de Natasha St Pier Publicación 1996 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Emergence — E*mer gence, n.; pl. {Emergences}. The act of rising out of a fluid, or coming forth from envelopment or concealment, or of rising into view; sudden uprisal or appearance. [1913 Webster] The white color of all refracted light, at its very first… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • emergence — emergence, emergent properties Emergence is the process by means of which a number of divergent elements are synthesized and organized into a new form. As a concept it has been particularly prominent in evolutionary theory. However, it is also… …   Dictionary of sociology

  • emergence — 1640s, unforeseen occurrence, from Fr. émergence, from emerger, from L. emergere (see EMERGE (Cf. emerge)). Meaning an emerging is from 1704 …   Etymology dictionary

  • emergence — index egress, expression (manifestation), issuance, manifestation, nascency, origination, outflow, sta …   Law dictionary

  • emergence — [ē mʉr′jəns, imʉr′jəns] n. [< L emergens, prp. of emergere] 1. an emerging 2. an outgrowth from beneath the outer layer of a plant, as a rose prickle …   English World dictionary

  • Emergence — For other uses see Emergence (disambiguation), Emergent, and Emergency. : See also the closely related articles: Spontaneous order and self organization. In philosophy, systems theory and the sciences, emergence is the way complex systems and… …   Wikipedia

  • Émergence — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Émergence (homonymie). L émergence désigne l apparition de nouvelles caractéristiques à un certain degré de complexité. C est un phénomène qu on trouve dans les domaines physiques, biologiques, écologiques, socio …   Wikipédia en Français

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