
enthusiastic, full, overwhelming, ringing, strong, unanimous

The new design only received a lukewarm endorsement from head office.

implicit, tacit
celebrity, government (esp. AmE)
be, constitute
give sth, make (AmE), offer sth

We are happy to give the product our full endorsement.

withdraw, withhold

They are now seeking endorsement for their ideas.

get, receive, win

These measures have the strong endorsement of the party.

contract, deal (both esp. AmE)

He signed a four-year endorsement deal.

endorsement as

her endorsement as leader of the delegation

endorsement by

endorsement of the product by the appropriate body

endorsement for

endorsement for the plan

endorsement from

His presidential campaign won endorsement from several celebrities.

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • endorsement — en·dorse·ment also in·dorse·ment n 1: the act or process of endorsing 2: an inscription (as a signature or notation) on a document or instrument; esp: an inscription usu. on the back of a negotiable instrument that transfers or guarantees the… …   Law dictionary

  • Endorsement — may refer to:*Political endorsement *Endorsement terrorism *Endorsement test, a U.S. Supreme Court test for Church State separation *Endorsement (advertising), or testimonal, written or spoken statement extolling the virtue of some product,… …   Wikipedia

  • Endorsement — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Endorsement es una actividad de marketing muy cercana al patrocinio. Es una actividad creciente que llevan a cabo sobre todo las marcas de ropa y complementos deportivos. La empresa contrata los servicios de un… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Endorsement — En*dorse ment, n. [Cf. F. endossement.] Same as {Indorsement}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Endorsement — es una actividad de marketing muy cercana a la esponsorización. Es una actividad creciente que llevan a cabo sobre todo las marcas de ropa y complementos deportivos. La empresa contrata los servicios de un deportista de élite para servir de… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • endorsement — /in dɔ:rsmənt/, it. /in dorsment/ s. ingl. [der. di (to ) endorse firmare a tergo, girare ], usato in ital. al masch. (banc.) [apposizione della firma allo scopo di trasferire un titolo di credito all ordine] ▶◀ girata …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • endorsement — 1540s, from ENDORSE (Cf. endorse) + MENT (Cf. ment). Earlier endosement (early 15c.) …   Etymology dictionary

  • endorsement — /ingl. ɪnˈdɔːsmənt/ [vc. ingl., da to endorse «firmare a tergo, girare»] s. m. inv. (comm.) girata …   Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione

  • endorsement — An authorized marking on a mailpiece that shows handling instructions, a special service, or a request for an ancillary service. (Also see marking.) …   Glossary of postal terms

  • endorsement — [n] support, authorization advocacy, affirmation, approbation, approval, backing, championing, commercial, confirmation, countersignature, favor, fiat, go ahead*, green light*, hubba hubba*, okay, pat on back*, permission, qualification,… …   New thesaurus

  • endorsement — (chiefly US also indorsement) ► NOUN 1) an act or the action of endorsing. 2) (in the UK) a note on a driving licence recording the penalty points incurred for a driving offence. 3) a clause in an insurance policy detailing an exemption from or… …   English terms dictionary

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