
great, long (esp. AmE), remarkable
mental, physical
have, show

She showed great endurance in the face of pain.


The astronauts will undergo a series of trials to test their physical and mental endurance in space.

build, build up, enhance, improve, increase

Swimming a little farther each session will build endurance.

exercise, training
athlete, runner
beyond endurance

He felt he had been provoked beyond endurance.

The shoes hurt her feet beyond endurance.

a feat of endurance

They are capable of amazing feats of endurance.

the limit of your endurance, the limits of your endurance

She was almost at the limits of her endurance.

powers of endurance

The task was a test of their powers of endurance.

strength and endurance

Heavy manual work calls for strength and endurance.

a test of endurance

Running a marathon is seen by many as the ultimate test of endurance.

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • endurance — [ ɑ̃dyrɑ̃s ] n. f. • XIVe, mais région. jusque v. 1870; de endurer ♦ Aptitude à résister à la fatigue, à la souffrance. ⇒ résistance. Endurance physique. Endurance au froid, à la fatigue. L endurance d un coureur de fond. Manquer d endurance.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Endurance — Die vom Eis eingeschlossene Endurance im Jahr 1915. Foto: Frank Hurley p1 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Endurance — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Endurance, buque rompehielos utilizado por Sir Ernest Shackleton para la Expedición Imperial Trans Antártica. HMS Endurance A171, Her Majesty s Ship Endurance es un rompehielos de la Real Armada Británica (Royal… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Endurance — En*dur ance, n. [Cf. OF. endurance. See {Endure}.] 1. A state or quality of lasting or duration; lastingness; continuance. [1913 Webster] Slurring with an evasive answer the question concerning the endurance of his own possession. Sir W. Scott.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • endurance — [n1] bearing hardship; staying power ability, allowance, backbone, bearing, capacity, continuing, cool, coolness, courage, enduring, forebearance, fortitude, grit, guts, gutsiness, heart*, holding up*, intestinal fortitude, mettle, moxie*,… …   New thesaurus

  • endurance — index continuance, diligence (perseverance), force (strength), indestructibility, industry (activity) …   Law dictionary

  • endurance — late 15c., continued existence in time; see ENDURE (Cf. endure) + ANCE (Cf. ance). Meaning ability to endure suffering, etc. is from 1660s …   Etymology dictionary

  • endurance — ► NOUN 1) the fact or power of enduring something painful and prolonged. 2) the capacity of something to last or to withstand wear and tear …   English terms dictionary

  • endurance — [en door′əns, endyoor′əns; indoor′əns, indyoor′əns] n. 1. the act of enduring 2. the power of enduring; specif., a) ability to last, continue, or remain b) ability to stand pain, distress, fatigue, etc.; fortitude 3. duration 4. Rare that which… …   English World dictionary

  • Endurance — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Endurance (homonymie). L endurance est la capacité de maintenir dans le temps un certain niveau d intensité exigée. Sommaire 1 Sport 1.1 Test d endurance …   Wikipédia en Français

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