
great, huge, real
full, maximum

A large income is not necessary for the full enjoyment of life.

pure, sheer

For sheer enjoyment, you can't beat this game.

evident, obvious
quiet, simple
derive, find, get, have, take

They found real enjoyment just in being together.

bring (sb), give sb, provide (sb with)

The show brought enjoyment to millions of viewers.

add to, enhance, increase

Food is there to keep you healthy and enhance your enjoyment of life.

for (sb's) enjoyment

I play tennis purely for enjoyment.

with enjoyment

Mackie was smiling with enjoyment.

enjoyment in

I still find enjoyment in the job.

enjoyment of

Your enjoyment of the movie depends on being able to overlook the terrible acting.

a source of enjoyment

Her little grandson has been a source of great enjoyment to her.

for your own (personal) enjoyment

I did this work for my own enjoyment, not for money.

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • enjoyment — en·joy·ment n: personal benefit, use, or possession (as of rights or property) widows and widowers were relegated to lifetime enjoyment of the marital estates W. M. McGovern, Jr. et al.; specif: the receipt of the fruits or profits of property… …   Law dictionary

  • Enjoyment — En*joy ment, n. 1. The condition of enjoying anything; pleasure or satisfaction, as in the possession or occupancy of anything; possession and use; as, the enjoyment of an estate. [1913 Webster] 2. That which gives pleasure or keen satisfaction.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • enjoyment — [n1] delight in something amusement, delectation, diversion, enjoying, entertainment, fruition, fun, gladness, gratification, gusto, happiness, hedonism, indulgence, joy, loving, luxury, pleasure, recreation, rejoicing, relaxation, relish,… …   New thesaurus

  • enjoyment — 1550s, from ENJOY (Cf. enjoy) + MENT (Cf. ment) …   Etymology dictionary

  • enjoyment — delight, *pleasure, joy, delectation, fruition Analogous words: delighting, rejoicing, gratifying, regaling, gladdening, pleasing (see PLEASE): *happiness, felicity, bliss, beatitude: zest, relish, gusto, *taste Antonyms: abhorrence Contrasted… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • enjoyment — [en joi′mənt, injoi′mənt] n. 1. the act or state of enjoying; specif., a) the possession, use, or benefit of something b) a pleasurable experiencing of something 2. something enjoyed 3. pleasure; gratification; joy SYN. PLEASURE …   English World dictionary

  • enjoyment */ — UK [ɪnˈdʒɔɪmənt] / US noun Word forms enjoyment : singular enjoyment plural enjoyments 1) a) [uncountable] pleasure that you get from an activity or experience get enjoyment from something: He doesn t get any real enjoyment from dancing. Lisa ate …   English dictionary

  • enjoyment — n. 1) to give, provide enjoyment 2) to derive enjoyment from 3) full, great enjoyment * * * [ɪn dʒɔɪmənt] great enjoyment provide enjoyment full to derive enjoyment from to give …   Combinatory dictionary

  • enjoyment — en|joy|ment [ ın dʒɔımənt ] noun * 1. ) uncount pleasure that you get from an activity or experience: He doesn t get any real enjoyment from dancing. Lisa ate the cake with obvious enjoyment. their enjoyment of life a ) count something you enjoy… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • enjoyment — /en joy meuhnt/, n. 1. the act of enjoying. 2. the possession, use, or occupancy of anything with satisfaction or pleasure: to have the enjoyment of a large income. 3. a particular form or source of pleasure: Hunting is his greatest enjoyment. 4 …   Universalium

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