
down, up

kids running up a down escalator

ride (AmE), take, use

We rode the escalator up toward our restaurant.

Take the escalator down to the lower level.

ascend, go up
descend, go down
carry sb

Passengers are carried by escalator to the first floor.

lead to sth

the escalator leading down to the lower level

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • escalator — ESCALATÓR, escalatoare, s.n. Scară rulantă utilizata pentru circulaţia oamenilor (în metrouri, în magazine etc.). – Din fr., engl. escalator. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98  ESCALATÓR s. v. scară rulantă. Trimis de siveco,… …   Dicționar Român

  • escalator — [ ɛskalatɔr ] n. m. • 1948; mot angl. amér. (1900), de to escal(ade) et (elev)ator « ascenseur » ♦ Anglic. Escalier mécanique (recomm. offic.). ● Escalator nom masculin (américain escalade, escalade, et …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • escalator — ☆ escalator [es′kə lāt΄ər ] n. [coined as a trademark (1895) < ESCALA(DE) + tor, as in (ELEVA)TOR] 1. a moving stairway consisting of treads linked in an endless belt, used in department stores, subway stations, etc. 2. ESCALATOR CLAUSE …   English World dictionary

  • Escalator — Es ca*la tor, n. [NL. Cf. {Escalade}.] A stairway or incline arranged like an endless belt so that the steps or treads ascend or descend continuously, and one stepping upon it is carried up or down; originally a trade term, which has become the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • escalator — A mechanism by which the successful performance of management reflected in growth in the value of a company is rewarded by progressively increasing their share of the equity. Easyform Glossary of Law Terms. UK law terms …   Law dictionary

  • escalator — 1900, Amer.Eng., trade name of an Otis Elevator Co. moving staircase, coined from ESCALADE (Cf. escalade) + ator in ELEVATOR (Cf. elevator). Figurative use is from 1927 …   Etymology dictionary

  • escalator — ► NOUN ▪ a moving staircase consisting of a circulating belt of steps driven by a motor. ORIGIN from ESCALADE(Cf. ↑E), on the pattern of elevator …   English terms dictionary

  • Escalator — For the album by Sam Gopal, see Escalator (album). Escalators in a Copenhagen Metro station, Denmark, 2007 Escalator in action, 2011 An e …   Wikipedia

  • Escalator — Escalier mécanique Escalier mécanique dans le Métro de Copenhague …   Wikipédia en Français

  • escalator — /es keuh lay teuhr/, n. 1. Also called moving staircase, moving stairway. a continuously moving stairway on an endless loop for carrying passengers up or down. 2. a means of rising or descending, increasing or decreasing, etc., esp. by stages:… …   Universalium

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