
1 being sent to live in another country
enforced (esp. BrE), forced
self-imposed, voluntary

Many spent decades in prison or in internal exile.

tax (BrE)

They are in tax exile from the UK.

be driven into, be forced into, be sent into
flee into, go into

He went into exile after the overthrow of the government.

live in

They joined the many other Armenians living in exile.

die in
recall sb from
return from

He still hopes to return from exile one day.

in exile

She had spent 40 years in exile.

exile from

Dante died in exile from Florence.

exile to

his exile to America

a place of exile, sb's return from exile

the story of the emperor's return from exile

2 person forced to live in another country
tax (esp. BrE)

a political exile living in London


A general amnesty was granted, allowing political exiles to return freely.

permanently, temporarily

He was effectively exiled after a failed bid for power.


He was exiled for his beliefs.


The family was exiled from France.


He was exiled to Siberia.

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • exilé — exilé, ée [ ɛgzile ] adj. et n. • fin XIIIe; eissilled avant 1125; de exiler 1 ♦ Qui est en exil. ⇒ banni, expatrié, expulsé, proscrit. Opposant politique exilé. N. Pays qui accueille des exilés politiques. ⇒ réfugié. Exilé qui bénéficie du droit …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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