
Anti-American is used with these nouns: ↑backlash, ↑propaganda, ↑riot, ↑sentiment, ↑terrorism

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • Anti-American — (adj.) also antiamerican, 1788 (n.), in reference to British parliamentary policies, from ANTI (Cf. anti ) + AMERICAN (Cf. American). As an adjective by 1838. Related: Anti Americanism opposition to what is distinctly American, 1844 …   Etymology dictionary

  • anti-American — anti Americanism, n. /an tee euh mer i keuhn, an tuy /, adj. 1. opposed or hostile to the United States of America, its people, its principles, or its policies. n. 2. an anti American person. [1765 75, Amer., in sense anticolonial ; ANTI +… …   Universalium

  • Anti-American — An ti A*mer i*can, a. Opposed to the Americans, their aims, or interests, or to the genius of American institutions. Marshall. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • anti-American — an•ti A•mer•i•can [[t]ˌæn ti əˈmɛr ɪ kən, ˌæn taɪ [/t]] adj. 1) opposed or hostile to the U.S. or to its people, principles, or policies 2) an anti American person • Etymology: 1765–75, amer. an ti A•mer′i•can•ism, n …   From formal English to slang

  • Anti-American sentiment in Korea — Anti Americanism in Korea began with the earliest contact between the two nations and continued after the division of Korea. In both North Korea and South Korea, anti Americanism after the Korean War has focused on the presence and behavior of… …   Wikipedia

  • Anti-American Anti-Fascism and the Race Release Fight Committee — (반미반파시스트·민족 해방 투쟁 위원회 abbreviated to AARF) is a leftist organization in the Republic of Korea during the latter half of the 1980s. AARF criticized the juche ideology, and took priority over the anti monopoly struggle give. However, Division of… …   Wikipedia

  • anti-anti-American — adj. Hostile to people or ideas that are critical of the United States. n anti anti Americanism n. Example Citations: In his latest book, American Vertigo, French author Bernard Henri Lévy retraces Alexis de Tocqueville s journey through America …   New words

  • anti-American — adjective Date: 1773 opposed or hostile to the people or the government policies of the United States • anti Americanism noun …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • anti-American — I noun a person who is opposed to the United States and its policies • Hypernyms: ↑person, ↑individual, ↑someone, ↑somebody, ↑mortal, ↑soul II adjective opposed to the United States and …   Useful english dictionary

  • Anti-Americanism — Anti American mural in Tehran, Iran, 2004 The term Anti Americanism, or Anti American Sentiment, refers to broad opposition or hostility to the people, policies, culture or government of the United States.[1] …   Wikipedia

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