
Free-range is used with these nouns: ↑chicken, ↑egg, ↑hen, ↑poultry, ↑turkey

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • Free range — is a method of farming husbandry where the animals are allowed to roam freely instead of being contained in any manner. The term is used in two senses that do not overlap completely: as a farmer centric description of husbandry methods, and as a… …   Wikipedia

  • free-range — adjective free range chickens, pigs, and other farm animals are allowed to move around and feed naturally. This is considered to be a kinder method of farming than INTENSIVE methods. a. free range eggs come from free range chickens ─ compare… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • free-range — free′ range adj. 1) agr. ahb. permitted to graze or forage rather than being confined to a feedlot or enclosure: free range chickens[/ex] 2) agr. ahb. of, pertaining to, or produced by free range animals: free range eggs[/ex] • Etymology: 1910–15 …   From formal English to slang

  • free-range — /free raynj /, adj. 1. (of livestock and domestic poultry) permitted to graze or forage for grain, etc., rather than being confined to a feedlot or a small enclosure: a free range pig. 2. of, pertaining to, or produced by free range animals: free …   Universalium

  • free-range — adj. permitted to graze or forage rather than being confined to a feedlot; of livestock and domestic poultry. Syn: unenclosed. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • free-range — adj relating to a type of farming which allows animals such as chickens and pigs to move around and eat naturally, rather than being kept in a restricted space →↑battery ▪ free range eggs …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • free-range — [frē′rānj΄] adj. designating or produced by chickens that are allowed to range for food, as in a field, rather than being enclosed …   English World dictionary

  • free-range — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ (of livestock or their produce) kept or produced in natural conditions, where the animals have freedom of movement …   English terms dictionary

  • free-range — adjective of livestock and domestic poultry; permitted to graze or forage rather than being confined to a feedlot • Similar to: ↑unconfined * * * free range «free raynj», adjective. 1. allowed to move about or roam, rather than being confined:… …   Useful english dictionary

  • free-range — adjective 1 farm animals that are free range are not kept in small cages but are allowed to move around in a large enclosed area: free range hens 2 food that is free range comes from these farm animals: free range eggs compare battery (2) …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • free-range — adjective Date: 1960 allowed to range and forage with relative freedom < free range chickens >; also of, relating to, or produced by free range animals < free range eggs > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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