get behind on

get behind on
phr verb
Get behind on is used with these nouns as the object: ↑mortgage

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • get behind — (someone/something) to encourage or help someone or something. I can get behind a creative idea and fight for it. Etymology: based on the idea of helping something move forward by pushing it from behind …   New idioms dictionary

  • get behind — phrasal verb Word forms get behind : present tense I/you/we/they get behind he/she/it gets behind present participle getting behind past tense got behind past participle got behind 1) [intransitive] if you get behind with work or payments, you… …   English dictionary

  • get behind — verb to lag or linger behind (Freq. 1) But in so many other areas we still are dragging • Syn: ↑drag, ↑trail, ↑hang back, ↑drop behind, ↑drop back • Derivationally related forms: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • get behind — UK US get behind Phrasal Verb with get({{}}/get/ verb ( tt , got, got, or US gotten) ► to fail to do as much work or pay as much money as you should by a particular time: get behind with sth »The agency had gotten behind with its work and needed… …   Financial and business terms

  • get behind — v. (D; intr.) ( to be late ) to get behind in, with (to get behind with one s payments) * * * [ getbɪ haɪnd] with (to get behind with one s payments) (D; intr.) ( to be late ) to get behind in …   Combinatory dictionary

  • get behind — {v.} 1. To go too slowly: be late; do something too slowly. * /The post office got behind in delivering Christmas mail./ Syn.: FALL BEHIND. Contrast: KEEP UP. 2. {informal} To support; help. * /A club is much better if members get behind their… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • get behind — {v.} 1. To go too slowly: be late; do something too slowly. * /The post office got behind in delivering Christmas mail./ Syn.: FALL BEHIND. Contrast: KEEP UP. 2. {informal} To support; help. * /A club is much better if members get behind their… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • get\ behind — v 1. To go too slowly: be late; do something too slowly. The post office got behind in delivering Christmas mail. Syn.: fall behind Contrast: keep up 2. informal To support; help. A club is much better if members get behind their leaders. We got… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • get behind sb — UK US get behind sb/sth Phrasal Verb with get({{}}/get/ verb ( tt , got, got, or US gotten) ► to support somebody or something: »If every member of the top management team doesn t get behind this project, it s never going to work …   Financial and business terms

  • get behind — 1) go slow while doing something, be late If you get behind in the homework you will never be able to pass the course. 2) (a person or idea) support, help They decided to get behind the main candidate when he promised to cut taxes …   Idioms and examples

  • get behind — verb a) (literal meaning) To move to a position behind (something). I got behind the wheel of my new car. b) To give ones support to (a person, project etc.) We all need to get behind our leader …   Wiktionary

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