grand master

grand master
Grand master is used after these nouns: ↑chess

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • Grand Master — Award oder Grand Master ist ein Preis, der: seit 1955 von der Mystery Writers of America (MWA) vergeben wird, siehe Edgar Allan Poe Award seit 1971 von der Svenska Deckarakademin vergeben wird, siehe Schwedischer Krimipreis Siehe auch: Damon… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • grand master — ► NOUN 1) (also grandmaster) a chess player of the highest class. 2) (Grand Master) the head of an order of chivalry or of Freemasons …   English terms dictionary

  • grand master — n a ↑chess player of a very high standard …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • grand master — noun count 1. ) a player who has reached the highest levels in competitions in the game of CHESS 2. ) a leader in some organizations, especially the FREEMASONS …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • grand master — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms grand master : singular grand master plural grand masters 1) a player who has reached the highest levels in competitions in the game of chess 2) a leader in some organizations, especially the freemasons …   English dictionary

  • Grand-master — Чрезвычайный ключ (grand master) (англ.) мастер ключ, открывающий все запертые двери в отеле. (master key) …   Лексикон туриста

  • Grand master — Чрезвычайный ключ (grand master) (англ.) мастер ключ, открывающий все запертые двери в отеле. (master key) …   Лексикон туриста

  • grand master — 1. Chess. International Grand Master. 2. a person at the highest level of ability or achievement in any field. Also, grandmaster. * * * …   Universalium

  • grand master — noun 1》 (usu. grandmaster) a chess player of the highest class, especially one who has won an international tournament. 2》 (Grand Master) the head of an order of chivalry or of Freemasons …   English new terms dictionary

  • Grand Master — didmeistris statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Sportinis garbės vardas, suteikiamas visam laikui aukščiausios kvalifikacijos šachmatų arba šaškių žaidėjui. Pradėtas teikti XX a. pradžioje (apie 1905–1910 m.). Daugelį metų… …   Sporto terminų žodynas

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