

We heard gunshots just before midnight.


He died of gunshot wounds to the chest.

the noise of a gunshot, the sound of a gunshot

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • Gunshot — is also a British hip hop group. A gunshot is the discharge of a firearm, and the sound effect thereof; the term can also refer to a wound caused by such a discharge.Gunshot soundA typical rifle gunshot is very loud mdash; in the region of 140 to …   Wikipedia

  • Gunshot — Gun shot , n. 1. Act of firing a gun; a shot. [1913 Webster] 2. The distance to which shot can be thrown from a gun, so as to be effective; the reach or range of a gun. [1913 Webster] Those who are come over to the royal party are supposed to be… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Gunshot — Gun shot , a. Made by the shot of a gun: as. a gunshot wound. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • gunshot — [gun′shät΄] n. [ME gunnes shott] 1. a) shot fired from a gun b) the shooting of a gun 2. the range of a gun adj. caused by a shot from a gun [a gunshot wound] …   English World dictionary

  • Gunshot — Allgemeine Informationen Genre(s) Britcore Gründung 1989 Aktuelle Besetzung * MC Mercu …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • gunshot — early 15c., shot fired from a gun, from GUN (Cf. gun) + SHOT (Cf. shot). Meaning range of a gun or cannon is from 1530s …   Etymology dictionary

  • gunshot — [[t]gʌ̱nʃɒt[/t]] gunshots 1) N UNCOUNT: usu N n Gunshot is used to refer to bullets that are fired from a gun. They had died of gunshot wounds. ...avoiding the volleys of gunshot. 2) N COUNT A gunshot is the firing of a gun or the sound of a gun… …   English dictionary

  • gunshot — UK [ˈɡʌnˌʃɒt] / US [ˈɡʌnˌʃɑt] noun [countable] Word forms gunshot : singular gunshot plural gunshots 1) the sound that is made when someone fires a gun Residents claim they heard gunshots on the night Billy was murdered. 2) the bullets shot from… …   English dictionary

  • gunshot — /ˈgʌnʃɒt/ (say gunshot) noun 1. a shot fired from a gun. 2. the range of a gun: out of gunshot. 3. the shooting of a gun. –adjective 4. made by a gunshot …  

  • gunshot — /gun shot /, n. 1. the shooting of a gun: We heard three gunshots. 2. a bullet, projectile, or other shot fired from a gun. 3. the range of a gun: The bear was out of gunshot. adj. 4. made by a gunshot. [1375 1425; late ME; see GUN1, SHOT1] * * * …   Universalium

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