
noun sign showing what sth is like
accurate, good, reliable, sure
poor, unreliable

Level of education is actually a poor indicator of ability to run a business well.

crude, rough
key, main, major
important, significant
useful, valuable
lagging, leading (both economics, both esp. AmE)

The stock market is seen as a leading indicator of economic growth.

economic, financial, macroeconomic, performance, social, socio-economic

performance indicators such as language and numeracy skills

prognostic (medical)
be, serve as

These warts can serve as an indicator of other infections.

provide (sb with)
regard sth as, see sth as, take sth as

Gold prices are often seen as an indicator of inflation.

use (sth as)

It is still difficult to develop indicators for many concepts used in social science.

point to sth, show sth, suggest sth

Economic indicators suggest that a recovery is on the way.

indicator for

an indicator for the presence of minerals

Collocations dictionary. 2013.

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  • Indicator — Indicator …   Wikipédia en Français

  • indicator — INDICATÓR, OÁRE, indicatori, oare, adj., s.n., s.m. I. adj. Care indică, care face cunoscut. II.1. s.n. Aparat, instrument, dispozitiv care serveşte la indicarea anumitor mărimi, fenomene, informaţii etc. ♢ Indicator de pantă = inclinometru.… …   Dicționar Român

  • Indicator — may mean:* pH indicator, a chemical detector for protons in acid base titrations * Redox indicator, a chemical detector for redox titrations * Complexometric indicator, a chemical detector for metal ions in complexometric titrations * Zeta… …   Wikipedia

  • Indicator — In di*ca tor ([i^]n d[i^]*k[=a] t[ e]r), n. [L.: cf. F. indicateur.] [1913 Webster] 1. One who, or that which, shows or points out; as, a fare indicator in a street car. [1913 Webster] 2. (Mach.) A pressure gauge; a water gauge, as for a steam… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • indicator — (n.) 1660s, from L.L. indicator, agent noun from indicare (see INDICATION (Cf. indication)). As a finger muscle, from 1690s …   Etymology dictionary

  • Indicātor — (lat.), 1) der Streckmuskel des Zeigefingers; 2) (Honigkukuk), Gattung der kukuksartigen Klettervögel …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • indicator — I noun attestant, attester, augury, auspice, badge, beacon, clue, cue, emblem, ensign, flag, foreshadowing, harbinger, herald, hint, index, informant, informer, landmark, mark, note, pointer, precursor, prognostic, semaphore, sign, stamp, symbol …   Law dictionary

  • indicator — [n] sign barometer, beacon, clue, dial, gauge, guide, hint, index, mark, meter, omen, pointer, signal, symbol, warning; concepts 274,529,673,689 …   New thesaurus

  • indicator — ► NOUN 1) a thing that indicates a state or level. 2) a gauge or meter of a specified kind. 3) a flashing light on a vehicle to show that it is about to change lanes or turn. 4) Brit. an information board or screen in a railway station, airport,… …   English terms dictionary

  • indicator — [in′di kāt΄ər] n. 1. a person or thing that indicates; specif., a) any device, as a gauge, dial, register, or pointer, that measures or records and visibly indicates b) an apparatus that diagrams the varying fluid pressure of an engine in… …   English World dictionary

  • indicator — Used in the context of general equities. technical or fundamental measurement that securities analysts use to forecast the market s direction, such as investment advisory sentiment, volume of stock trading, direction of interest rates, and buying …   Financial and business terms

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